View Full Version : Post office queue

01-12-08, 11:03
Typical - left home at 9am to go to Post office in our local Co-op. Struggled up the road with armful of christmas parcels for USA - a mile to walk - only to get there and find the Government has shut the Co op post office down so had to walk another half mile to the next one - then there was a queue of 12 people - mostly old ladies - so stood in a hot stuffy queue for 15 minutes - felt really panicky but re wrote my shopping list out about 10 times to distract myself in the queue - grrrrrr! Wenjoy x

01-12-08, 11:22
welldone for staying in the queue and not leaving.

01-12-08, 11:42
aaahhh why are the government doing this??? People need those post offices!

Well done though, it does always seem to be hot in there! Many times have i struggled in the post office, just standing there all fidgety! hehe, again,well done xxx

01-12-08, 13:05
I hate post office queues too. My local PO is hot and stuffy too and usually there is a constant line of people waiting. We have one of those rope jobs where you are penned and I find it really claustrophobic.

All the best


Diane O'Brien
01-12-08, 15:49
Ive just got back from queing in a post office. Well done Wenjoy for staying put.

Take Care xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

01-12-08, 16:18
- then there was a queue of 12 people - mostly old ladies -

Old ladies? How wonderful! They're very difficult to see, you know. One must approach very quietly and keep low to the ground.


01-12-08, 16:21
Well done for coping Wenjoy :hugs:

I know it's not easy. I had to queue for ages at the post office at my local Asda last week to send parcels and cards and supermarkets are my least favourite place to be, but I have mobility problems and it was the easiest place to park with disabled parking.

Karen xx

Diane O'Brien
01-12-08, 16:35
Old ladies? How wonderful! They're very difficult to see, you know. One must approach very quietly and keep low to the ground.


LOL I didnt know this site was such a laugh

01-12-08, 17:17
Tee hee - I love old ladies- especially dipped in chocolate! Sorry - trying to be funny!! well done those of you who,like me, queued and didnt run away from a hot stuffy post office!!! Wenjoy x

01-12-08, 17:25
Well done for not legging it :D

I hate queues too, I feel like killing all the people that are in front of me and going sooooo slowly :blush:


02-12-08, 14:27
Me too - I queued a bit in a shop today but just kept listening my mp3 music and thought about dinner tonight!!! Wenjoy x