View Full Version : So so tired of having HA - anyone else feel the same (long post - sorry!)

01-12-08, 11:57
I'm 44 years old and feel most of my adult life has been dominated by this monster! I married and had my first baby in 1989. I became pregnant again in 1990 and at the same time began to suffer with problems eating. I had severe pain in my chest when I ate and was sick a lot. I lost weight throughout my pregnancy but was unable to undergo tests until after the baby was born.
My second daughter was born perfectly healthy in April 1991 and a couple of months later I had tests at the local hospital. I was told my eating problem was due to an inflammation in my gullet, I was prescribed tablets and sent home. Unfortunately the problem continued and over the next 6 months my weight dropped to 6 stone. My GP and my consultant at the hospital both told me I had post-natal depression and then anorexia but I knew there was something wrong.

The turning point for me came when I met a lady at a friend's house whose uncle was a specialist in the oesophagus and worked in London. My husband and I went to see him the week before Christmas in 1991 and he knew immediately what my problem was. I had achalasia which meant that a muscle in my gullet was not working properly and was not allowing food to pass into my stomach, hence the pain and vomiting.

The diagnosis was the best Christmas present I had ever had and I couldn't wait to travel back to London in January for surgery. I was in hospital for 2 weeks and had a major operation but it worked and within days I was eating normally again. I vowed that I would never worry about my health again and for a few months I was really well. I became pregnant in March 1993 and suddenly my health anxiety began.

I lost all faith in doctors and hospitals and was unable to go for my ante-natal appointments until I was about 20 weeks pregnant. My first scan showed that the baby had multiple cysts in his brain and there was a high risk of Down's Syndrome. Thankfully an amniocentesis showed I was carrying a healthy baby boy and he was and is gorgeous.

During this time my eldest daughter had been diagnosed with haemangiomas on her tongue and had had several operations on these. They recurred every few months and even grew on the side of her face. We were told that she would probably grow out of them when she was about 7 and she did and she had her last operation just after her 7th birthday. My Mother was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease and in 1997 my Father died suddenly of cancer. I had begun by this time to worry constantly about my health, especially my heart as I suffered with palpitations. I have a wonderful GP and with her help and medication I was able to lead a relatively normal life.

Soon after my wonderful Dad died I discovered my husband had been having an affair with a friend and I just fell apart. I became severely depressed, began to self harm and was admitted for the first of several stays in a psychiatric ward. Over the next 2 years I was very up and down and in 2000 my husband left me and moved in with the office junior who was 20 years his junior! I coped well initially with this but my husband was a solicitor and I wasn't srong enough to fight him. I ended up back in hospital for 2 months and when I came out the house was sold, my children were living with him and his girlfriend and I was moved into a flat on my own.

This was when I bagan to fight back and over the next few years I moved into a lovely little house, my children began to stay regularly and we now share custody. I met a wonderful man 5 years ago, started work and I felt I had achieved so much. My health anxiety had, however, never disappeared but I managed to cope with it. I started a new job as a medical secretary which I thought would either be the best or worst move I could make.

For over 2 years it was wonderful but last year my life fell apart again. My 16 year old daughter contracted meningitis in November and for a week was very poorly. I didn't give a thought to my health anxiety whilst she was ill as my all consuming thoughts were obviously about her. She began to improve but just before she left hospital I suffered a major panic attack whilst visiting her. This has triggered off my health anxiety to an horrendous level.

I suffer with palpitations, mainly ectopic beats, and have had ecgs which have said my heart is fine but due to my mistrust of doctors I don't believe anything anyone tells me. Every ache or pain however slight sets off a spiral of obsessive thoughts - is it a heart attack? A brain heamorrhage? A DVT? etc etc

I feel lost and very alone. My partner has been wonderful and is so supportive as are family and friends but you begin to feel that there is only so much they can, and should, have to put up with and I really don't know what to do anymore. I have contemplated suicide on numerous occasions but I know I could never do that to my children and the people who love me but at the same time I selfishly feel 'what about me', how can I live the rest of my life like this. I don't live at the moment I exist from one day to the next in a constant fog of anxiety.

01-12-08, 16:48
hello Jodie,

You have had a lot to contend with over the years and it is a great pity your health anxiety has returned with a vengeance just as you were learning to live with the anxiety. It is a horrible condition to live with, and at times can make us feel very alone; i hope you will find some good support on this site from people who will have an understanding of what you are going through. Hang on to the thought that you have managed to feel relatively normal over the past few years, and have had a wonderful 2 years since making your move; seeing more of your children and meeting your wonderful partner, who is so supportive. It is really unfortunate that this latest incident with your daughter's illness has caused you to have a major set back, but there is every chance, considering all you have overcome in the past, that you will regain your confidence and begin to feel stronger again. Are you able to see the doctor who helped you before? It seems you have trust in her. I hope you will be feeling better soon.

01-12-08, 18:03
Perfect candidate for counseling, have you tried it hun? xx