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View Full Version : Ear Problems And Dizziness

01-12-08, 12:53
Hi all,

For the past few weeks I have had a problem with my ears. It feels like they are constantly blocked and sometimes I can hear whooshing noises. As far as any other problems I had started to feel a lot better and was kinda patting myself on my back, big mistake!!! At the beginning of last week I started with my dizziness again, and seem to have it almost constantly now, even when I am trying to sleep, which prevents me from getting to sleep. Also the headrushes are driving me crazy. I keep thinking I must have something wrong with my ears, and I have been to my Doc's and they have looked into my ears, and said they were fine. Anyway my question is, would they have to do different tests to find an inner ear problem such as an infection or something, or can they see all ear probs with that torch thingy?? One last question for the ladies, whilst we are suffering with anxiety would PMS make sypmtoms worse?????

01-12-08, 18:14
OH YES......
My anxiety the 2 weeks leading up to my period is hell. However it sounds like you have some sort of inner ear disorder...try beconase spray or sudafed with a steroid. Steam twice a day if poss...I had this back in Feb which is what started my health anxiety & it continued for 3 months until i was diagnosed with labrynthitis..
The whooshing is fluid hence the sudafed to dry it up..it will pass but may take a while. keep going back to the docs (and they are being stupid as an inner ear infection would not be able to be seen by looking in the ear)... you could do with some stemitil they worked wonders for me...

Get as many over the counter drugs for this problem...it will pass hun i am living proof xxx

01-12-08, 20:15
hi mvp

i had these symptoms a couple of months ago and after several trips to my gp i was told i had menieres disease (sounds worse than it is)..
ur symptoms sound very simular or i think it could be tinittus (sp)...
i must say with the menieres u just ave to wait til it passes im affraid it does seem to take forever i no but it does

hope u feel better soon take care feel free to pm me for any more advice xxxx caz xxxxx

02-12-08, 14:11
i have the same problem at the moment and i have been told i have had a middle ear infection (very painful) they should be able to see with the torch thingy unless its blocked with wax.
what the other guys on here have said is likely and i sympathise as its horrible.

take care
choco x