View Full Version : thinking about thinking?!?!?!

01-12-08, 13:39
This may sound odd but can anyone relate. I dont know if this is part of depersonalisation but i cant stop thinking about thinking and what it is and how it happens and i feel so focused on it its exhausting and i want to sleep all the time. also doesnt feel natural anymore. how on earth can i stop doing this?? can anyone relate please

01-12-08, 21:52
Again, a normal part of DP.

If you're interested in how we actually think and what various psychologists think, get a book out of any big library on cognitive psychology. Thinking IS an odd thing in itself, its perfectly okay to wonder about it. Wondering about it A LOT is classic DP. Classic.

03-12-08, 21:07
I first had this feeling in October this year, went away for a bit but has come back with a vengeance this week. It's so bizarre. I read another of your posts in symptoms Cheeky 220 and I was so relieved when i saw it I felt like crying cuz it was exactly what I'd been experiencing.!How does my brain know what to say? What if I forget all the words I've ever learnt?I've become so paranoid about forgetting how to speak which is ridiculous because I obviously can but it doesn't make the feeling any easier. I just wish it would go away. Is this a symptom other users?

04-12-08, 12:46
My brain is always thinking about anything and everything. I feel constantly removed from what's going on around me. I imagine the worst case scenarios in all situations. I know this thinking is extremely unhelpful but i just can't stop it. And if i start to concentrate on what i'm thinking about i then start to become more anxious than i already am and zone out even more.

I regulary think i'm going mad and if i don't try and get control of my thoughts they will just take me over completely and i won't be able to function at all.

I do understand where you are coming from with this.

Baloo x:unsure:

08-12-08, 12:32
totally understand this one also.....i am on lustral and as the meds kick in they stop that cycle but its weird because i am so use to thinking about thinking that i almost fight the meds as it feels weird not to think about thinking...lol sounds mad...
guess for me the tabs are working,lustral is wonderful stuff i am starting to function and think normally again and i can almost laugh and tut at myself for the things i have panicked about....thats not to say i do not appreciate how hellish untreated depression/anxiety is
take care

08-12-08, 13:13
Hi cheeky et al.

Thinking or over thinking is a classic symptom of many things including everything from life itself to depression. Its the usual reason I either have a good nights sleep or not. Can't switch off sometimes.

There is an upside to this though. I use something called "self talk". When I'm anxious or in a difficult situation I actually talk to myself in my head. Everything I am currently experiencing I have done before, minus the anxiety. Therefore I can and will do it again.

I talk to myself and reinforce the fact I've done it before and can do it again. Its a technique which has helped stop my anxiety turning into a PA. It may sound odd, but give it a whirl. In addition to talking to yourself you are also preventing other thoughts intruding. If they do intrude, talk to yourself about them.

Theres lots of articles been published on self talk, so I won't labour on here. I just wished to point out that you can choose to think about whatever you like, your thoughts do not need to be driven by external factors. Its something I found quick to uptake and has helped me endless times. I still do it now and find it helps greatly.
