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01-12-08, 13:56
I was wondering if any body could help me. I have had HA on and off since I was a child and suffer IBS and stomach concerns as my main worry but was managing it . However I had a fall from my horse on March 7th this year and was knocked out for approx 10mins. I am now in a complete mess. Have been to Doctors, A&E and even to a neurologist. At no point have I had a CT or MRI, my main symptoms are dizziness and migraine accompanied with a bit of blurred vision with plenty of anxiety worry to add to the mix. I do have good and bad days but on the whole generally pretty uptight. The neurologist doesn't think there is any serious problem but I am petrified that I have damaged my brain in some way - or is this just HA focussing on my concern.

01-12-08, 14:12
I think you should get checked out if only for your piece of mind. Any time someone is knockedout they should get a scan to make sure nothing is wrong in their head. Try to relax though beause getting upset will only make the symptoms worse for you. I will tell you that if it was me, health anxiety or not, I would want something done after a fall like that t make sure there was nothing wrong. Take care.

01-12-08, 14:24
Many thanks for the reply, I have been so many times to Doctors and the hospital, feel as though I'm being a nuisance , I had to go private to see a neurologist and he really didn't see the need for a scan as I passed all the flexion and balance tests so I guess they're not as concerned as I am.
My anxiety is off the scale which I know doesn't help. Just feel very down

01-12-08, 14:56
:yesyes: :yesyes: Hi James, I would think that your symptoms are likely to be anxiety rather than a head injury. I had a nasty fall from my horse, was not wearing a hat and ended up having a massive convulsion and unconscious for nearly two hours. I was kept in for observation and did have a cat scan, so lucky no lasting damage. But ever since I have been prone to headaches, could just be tension headaches. The doctors must be pretty certain you have no lasting damage or they would scan you, they can tell a lot from your neurologic responses. Please go see your doctor and let him know how anxious and down you are, he can help you, promise xxx

01-12-08, 15:51
Hi Dawn
Thanks for your post, sounds like you had a nasty fall, I had a convulsion too whilst I was unconscious, the Neuro said it was because my brain had rattled inside my head.
I'm going to go to the docs tomorrow and have a chat and I will talk about the anxiety and see what they say. I appreciate you response, its made me feel less gloomy. Did you have any dizziness?

02-12-08, 14:18
Hi James, how did you get on at doctors today. I have not suffered dizziness but my balance has not been as it was. If I turn quickly I feel as if I am off balance. Also something very strange, since my head injury I cannot stand on one leg and close my eyes, I just fall over, so weird lol.:D I have had health anxiety for a long time, well if I think about it I cant remember not having it. I have been on prozac for five weeks now, and am only just feeling that I am getting back to some kind of normality. My worst symptom was the feeling that I had something stuck in my throat, it also felt very dry, so dry that it was hard to swallow. I had this horrible feeling for six weeks and it has only started to subside the last three days. I dont seem to feel a lump at the moment, my throat just feels tight and dry. I am so hoping that it will go as it has sent my ha sky high, I was convinced it was throat cancer, I even thought it was a tumour in my lungs that had grown up and out the top into my throat.... why I dont know but I have had major panic attacks because of it, love to everyone xx:hugs: