View Full Version : Pneumonia & Pleurisy

01-12-08, 14:18
Hi everyone,
For the last couple of months I have colds on and off, but the last one I was unable to shake so I went to the Drs and was given a course of antibiotics, a week later I was feeling no better and had developed a cough that would not go away, quite chesty, I went back to the Doctors and was prescribed another anitiobiotic, I told him about this pain in my ribcage, but he said it was probably a pulled muscle with coughing. We are now a week on and I still have this pain when I cough, stretch. I am now convinced I have got PNEUMONIA & PLEURISY. I am sat her googling the symptons and I seem to have them, I am driving myself mad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for listening

01-12-08, 15:02
Hopefully this might make you feel a little better....my entire family has been sick since October with a nasty virus that has been going around. My sister, who is 25 years old, has been battling this virus since September. She was on 3 different antibiotics before she started feeling better. My 5 year old daughter came down with walking pneumonia, but fortunately it was caught very early and the antibiotics cleared it up within 48 hours. My father, on the other hand, is still suffering with this virus. He is on his 4th antibiotic and is feeling terrible. I, myself suffered with this for a month and a half, but one round of antibiotics helped me. As you can see, everyone in my family has reacted differently to this virus. Since you have been under a doctor's care and have had antibiotics, I tend to think that you have been hit with this nasty bug too! Just drink plenty of fluids and get some rest. Let the virus run it's course and hopefully you will feel better in a few weeks!

01-12-08, 17:33

Pneumonia would cause green sputum, shortness of breath, fever, chills & shaking, occasional chest pain, loss of appetite etc..
Pleurisy- inflammation of the pleura which is the lining surrounding the lungs would cause sharp pains around the sides of the lungs (where the bottom of a bra would lie) these pains would be more prominent when breathing in etc..again shortness of breath, a temp, tiredness etc..

Pleurisy is horrendously painful hun & pneumonia very tiring as it makes u feel really poorly on deaths door some say. i would keep an eye on ya temp, drink plenty of fluids and take some pain killers (ibuprofen & paracetamol together regularly)...
If you are on antibiotics then they are treating it correctly...these things this time of year just take longer to shake off. xxxx

03-12-08, 02:44
Hi Jellybelly, I have had Pneumonia and can say if you have it you would not have any energy to move about at all, you really wouldn't have the energy to google your symptoms. The day i went to a&e i couldn't even stand up in the shower, i couldn't eat a thing, I could only manage 1 spoonful of cereal all day and most days from what i remember i only drank fluids. I lived in a studio at the time and walking literally 3 steps to the sofa took alot of my energy. I also remember being constantly cold and having the shakes so much so my teeth would chatter, but my body was sweating buckets. I would have clothes on, a blanket wrapped round me and a duvet cover, my partner would be cuddling me and i would still be shaking. I hope this helps x x If you really feel you have Pneumonia i suggest you go to a&e that was the only way mine was found

04-12-08, 17:19
thank you for your kind words, I jsut got myself in a bit of a state, googling is not a wise thing to do:blush:

Once again thank-you for taking the time to respond