View Full Version : Got to go to hospital tonight :(

01-12-08, 16:18
hi guys, owwwww i am in pain as you know i am 33 weeks pregnant and have woken up today with really bad pains, pain when going to the loo ( sorry) and its been going on since 8 this morning. Midwife wants me to go in and get checked out check im not in pre term labour. I know this isnt really a health anxiety issue but i am scared they will want to take blood. i can refuse cant i? ( big fear of test results)

01-12-08, 16:27
Hi Sweetie
Awww you will be fine. I am sure they will have no need to take blood but even if they do you know it is only HA and that you are fine and dont have what you are worrying about!!!I know exactly how you feel cos i worry about them doing another full blood count with me(had one 11 months ago that was fine) and finding out that i do have lymphoma---so you are soo not alone in your fears. You need to think of the little baby----you will be fine!!!Sending you good vibes and big hugs xxxxxx

01-12-08, 16:31
Aww I'm sure you will be fine Tash.:hugs: Sounds like a water infection to me and they are pretty common in pregnancy so don't worry. They will probably just put you on a monitor and check your baby is fine and then send you home again.:hugs: Do you know what you are having or is it a surprise? I didn't know with my first two because they wouldn't tell me but I found out with the last one cos I had an amnio and that tells the sex for definite.:)

Good luck and let us know how you go on.:hugs:

01-12-08, 16:33
I have 2 children and had 2 rotten pregnancies. PLEASE do go to the hospital and have yourself checked out. PLEASE let them take blood if they need to and PLEASE do your best to try not to worry about the results. At 33 weeks you and your baby have an excellent chance of being fabulous even if you deliver early. You have done the hard work, the organs are formed and you're on the really boring home straight when the baby just gains weight. I don't know if you have other children, if you do then I'm sure you remember that once in the throws of delivery you reach a point where you don't care who comes in, who does what to you and how many people are watching! If it's your first then sorry hun, you have all this to look forward to. Hard as it may be to accept as a mum/mum to be you're no longer the most important person in your own life anymore. You have to be brave and strong every day you're a parent so why not start today, go and get looked at, go and ask questions and don't stop until you feel reassured.
Have a good rest of pregnancy and focus on your new little one who will be with you before you know it x

01-12-08, 16:38
Hi Guys, thanks for the responses just waiting for my prtner to get home and then we are going in. Its my first baby with a little boy, im hoping its just him pushing on a nerve or something but its soo painful, i have my pee tested last week and they said it was fine so hopefully its not an infection. Too be honest the amount of stress i have been under it wouldnt surprise me if the baby came early.


01-12-08, 16:41
Is the pain there all the time or does it come and go?
Aww bet you can't wait for him to be born can you. Have you any names picked out for him?:hugs:

01-12-08, 17:48
Take care now, I'm sure it will turn out OK but can't be too careful when it comes to babies welfare.

Let us know how you get on.:bighug1: :flowers:

01-12-08, 18:00
:bighug1: Good luck Tash. Hope it all goes well. Let us know how you get on.

01-12-08, 19:02
You'll be fine!
My daughter was lay across my sciatic nerve and my leg would just give way without warning and I'd be in a heap on the floor until she moved. I once fell into a walk in freezer in Iceland. My son kicked so hard he cracked my ribs from the inside and bruised my kidneys!
It's probably the most used phrase in the world but trust me, it's all worth it x

01-12-08, 22:05
Ooooh good luck Tash! I'm sure all will be fine - and I doubt they will need to take blood, but if they do, DON'T WORRY!!! :-)

02-12-08, 09:17
Hi Guys, got back late last night. Im not in labour phew which is good but they have tested for the hormone just in case. She said she couldnt account for the pain i was in, this left me upset as i was in loads of pain, turns out my pelvis has become a little unstable and it feels like its rippping ouch! she did a swab and i get the results in 2 days, she didnt tell me but does anyone know what they test for? so sat of the sofa today in a big dressing gown in lots of pain still but happy that for now he is staying in :)


02-12-08, 12:26
I wonder if it could be this..


02-12-08, 12:58
Hi Jan, yes thats it. Hopefully it will only stay mild cos its really painful:)

02-12-08, 13:44
And then an even bigger pain when they are born.:roflmao:

02-12-08, 21:53
Hi Tash, I've been meaning to post you and find out how you are getting on with the pregnancy, anyway, now I know. That little man of yours is thriving and hanging on in there by the sounds of it. My pelvis softened too quickly when I was pregnant with Ethan but I got the pain in the base of my back. Apparantly, it depends on how the baby is positioned. It definitly sounds like what I had though. You will probably be stook with it now until the little man makes his grand entrance (sorry to say).

You keep your feet up and get plenty of rest.

02-12-08, 22:34
You dnt have SPD do u honey symhasis pubic dysfunction?? i had this when i was pregnent with my second child, i had alot of pressure in my bum and pelvis and in between my legs used to hurt it was so uncormfortable and it burned so bad the pain i could hardly walk.i had to wear a pelvic girdle for support.and as soon as i had the baby the pain disapeared. its only a suggestion but this is common !and not serious but may be what ur experiencing.best wishes C.xxx