View Full Version : citalopram newbie

01-12-08, 16:46
hi there great to find a forum that i can turn to in times of need.i am new to citalopram and guess i`m just lookin for reassurance from users out there as i feel nobody really understands what i am going through :welcome:

Veronica H
01-12-08, 16:51
:welcome: to NMP. I have had positive results with Citalopram and hope they work for you to. You will find comfort and support here.


01-12-08, 16:54
aah thanks for the quick reply,as i say i am a newbie to citalopram and i`m on day 11,feel a bit better but still getting palps,will this wear off eventually ?

01-12-08, 20:33
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx

eternally optimistic
01-12-08, 20:36

Welcome to the site.

I've recently come of citalopram having been on them for approximately a year.

They did me the world of good, was scared to come off them as I was scared how I'd be, but alls good so far.

Sure the palps will stop soon.

Best of luck.

01-12-08, 21:37

:welcome: to NMP. I have only been a member for a few weeks myself. I have found a lot of useful information and lots of lovely members here.

02-12-08, 09:35
hi me again had bad panic attack last night ended up in a + e again,all usual checks done,ecg,bloods,chest xray etc etc all clear,been to see my gp today he suggested i take 20mg citalopram and 40 mg twice daily propranolol any body had to take propranolol aswell and have you had any side effects ?

02-12-08, 13:27
Hi there!
ive just joined this site after being given citalopram this morning by my doc...

like most of you i just wanted to hear some positive experiences after just reading the side affects list on the leaflet provided!!!

02-12-08, 13:39
its good to hear there are other people out there havin the same experiences,at least we know we are not alone,i`ve been on citalopram 10mg for 11 days with no side effects and today is day 12 and i`ve upped to 20mg on the advice of my gp,will i experience any effects upping the dose ?

03-12-08, 14:13
hi its me again just received a letter thru the post to say i`ve got to go to the chest pain clinic next week!!!!!!!!!!!!!to say i`m scared is an understatement,has anyone else been referred to this clinic before ?Any advice and reassurance would be greatly appreciated

04-12-08, 00:52

Since you went to A&E with a panic attack they may well just be being thorough and checking that you have no cardiac issues. You took the issue to hospital and so they are (most probably) just making sure. Try not to panic over that as well since that would defeat the purpose of the checks!

At least one of the books on anxiety I've been reading said that a panic attack will "never" be harmful no matter how bad it feels. I suspect the main (or only?) exception to this rule would be someone who actually had a heart condition as well! So its best to be sure and thus safe. If there were something wrong it is far better to have it checked and know.

If you mention that you are going (maybe in the hugs forum) I am sure people here will think positive thoughts in your direction for the appointment.

04-12-08, 08:27
hi alias kev thanks for those words,i`m sure as you know something things that wouldnt normally bother people become something huge when you suffer from anxiety,hopefully when i go to the clinic all will be well and it`ll be one less thing to worry about thanks again.by the way which book is it you are reading ?

04-12-08, 19:13
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

Pooh x

04-12-08, 23:55
...i`m sure as you know something things that wouldnt normally bother people become something huge when you suffer from anxiety... ?Oh quite. I did not mean to diminish or dismiss what you were feeling - only enphasise that the reality may well be a lot better than that. A few months ago the phone ringing could have made me fall off the bed some days - and there are still bad ones sometimes. So I know about anxiety, fear and irrational beliefs/behavour.

Most of the time I tend to talk/type with other sufferers on the basis that we all know it feels really bad and sympathise but that we need to get on with the real information, reassurance and improvement. Otherwise we just reinforce each others suffering. But I should have made it clearer that I appreciated what you were feeling.

Hope you can "hang in there" for the appointment and make sure all is good.

05-12-08, 10:30
hi ya alias kev sorry if my message came over wrong,thanks for responding tho,managed to get appt brought forward so that has helped,have also spoken to my gp and he said it was nothing to worry about it was just a precaution and to set my mind at rest.can you let me know what book it is you are reading please

05-12-08, 11:32
Welcome to the site and hope you find what you need here, you're not alone and the people here are lovely and helpful:hugs: :hugs: xx

06-12-08, 17:25
hi all me again,just thought i`d post on here that i`m about to take my 1st 10mg propranolol,scared of the side effects but fed up of the constant pounding i have in my chest i will post tomorrow to let you know how it went.

13-12-08, 13:29
hi all me again,just thought i`d post on here that i`m about to take my 1st 10mg propranolol,scared of the side effects but fed up of the constant pounding i have in my chest i will post tomorrow to let you know how it went.

boy am i glad i took the propranolol they have been a great help no more panic attacks and constant pounding almost gone lovin the site by the way and hope to see you in chat soon:shades:

13-12-08, 13:40
Hi heidi starting citalopram is a nerve wracking experience to say the least. I take propanadol aswell and I dont think I would be able to stay on citalopram without them.