View Full Version : The worst headache I've ever had

01-12-08, 17:48
I've been back to my doc today as my head hurts so much I am scared.

I've been through a rough time with my depression these last two weeks, but though I was getting back on track and am due back at work on Thursday after having 3 weeks off.

My headache started yesterday afternoon and I ended up tkaing myself to bed to sleep it off.

Wasn't so bad when I woke up this morning, so took the dogs out for a walk and then came home. Mum came round to help me sort out some paperwork for my solicitor (ongoiing divorce hassles). Then the headache got so bad I started to feel really sick and space out.

Got emergency appointment at docs. Doc says its more than likely a tension headache. the pain is nowhere specific, although it travels down the back of my neck and back and also the tops of my arms are aching now too.

Been told to take Nurofen and been prescribed Zopain (sp). Also take Escitalapram and Amitriptalin.

Don't know what else to take my mind off the pain. Any suggestions?

01-12-08, 17:54
How about a warm shower (not a hot one) or lie down on the settee and watch a quiet DVD with the lights down.:flowers:

01-12-08, 17:59
I would have a bath with some candles & drink lots of water hun.
Take regular painkillers, so the cocodamol & 400mg of ibuprofen. The key if it is a tension headache is try & relax hun it will pass...

If you get any vomiting or drowsiness hun ring primary care or NHS direct.

They are awful but it will pass.. xxxxxx

01-12-08, 18:00
Just waiting for dinner to cook for myself and my 12 yr old son. (not hungry in the slightest) Then planning wacthing a DVD in his room - lying on his bed together. He gets fed up if I don't spend time with him - so hopefully that will keep us both occupied for a bit.

Was thinking about a bath, but maybe a shower is a better idea.


01-12-08, 18:01
I had a tension headache alll day the other day and it would not budge!! i dint take anything for it (too scared) anyway it got worse and in the end it made me sick twice.so i rang out of hours (the woman was lovely) she explained it was a tension headache and advised me to take tablets but i said no so she advised me to make a hot water bottle and rest with it placed at the back of my neck...no type of exaggeration here within 5 minutes the pain was just a dull ache...i was sooo amazed!! try that and just chill hun..i think its due to the situation u are in at the minute..stress is a major cause! feel free to message me huni...hope this helps... xx

01-12-08, 18:28
The hot water bottle idea sounds really good. I'll let you know if it works.

Thank you xx

Cathy V
01-12-08, 22:05
Also those neck-shaped cushion thingies filled with wheat that you can warm in the microwave, they are really effective for tension pain. They do say that alot of these headaches actually come from the neck/shoulder area and the pain in the head is a symptom of this, but they hurt like hell I know.

Take care xxx

02-12-08, 22:13
Still feeling awful. Spenmt the whole day in bed. The headache is worse today than yesterday. Rang NHS Direct and they sent an ambulance to take me to hospital. Spent 3 hours waiting to be seen, just to be told it is definately still a tension headache and they can't prescribe anything stronger than I'm already taking. Got driven home by ambulance again. Been home for 10 mins and don't know what to do with myself. I've slept most of the day and am scared I won't sleep when I get back inot bed. Have started picking at the scabs on my arm to try and relieve the pain from my head. I'm determined not to cut my arm again, but the scabs are just needing to be picked at and opened up.
My son is back at his Dads. I'm all alone and feeling scared and sorry for myself.

03-12-08, 01:20
Hi Lynn...i'm New Here But I Have A Couple Of Suggestions For You To Try If You Want. They May Help.
First Of All I Get Bad Headaches Sometimes And It Feels Just Like Yours Does Although Yours Sounds Like It's Gone From A Tension Headache To A Migraine. I Think The Stress Of Divorce And The Thought Of Going Back To Work After Three Weeks May Have Something To Do With How You're Feeling As Well. Anyway, Sit Indian Style And Sit Up Very Straight...pull Your Shoulders Back And Then Drop Them. That Will Stretch The Muscles In Your Neck And Your Shoulders And That Will Loosen Them. Then Stretch Your Neck From Side To Side (go Over As Far As Possible. You May Hear A Couple Of Pops But That's Okay). Afterwards Lie Down Flat And Roll A Thin Pillow Up And Place It At The Curve Of Your Neck...your Head Will Tilt Back A Bit. As You're Doing This Shrug Your Shoulders Up And Down. Do This For A Few Minutes. I've Seen Some People Say Use Heat But I Would Suggest Using Heat And Cold At Ten Minute Intervals Each. The Heat Will Relax The Muscles In Your Neck And The Cold Will Bring Any Swelling Down That May Be There. Sip On Water Often If You're Still Nauseous And Maybe Try Some Soda Crackers For The Nausea. I Got All These Suggestions From A Chiropractor And They Work Wonders For Me. You Can Also Try Putting A Cool Cloth Or An Ice Pack On Your Forehead If You Have Pain There. Let Me Know If You Try These Excercises And How They Worked For You! Hope And Pray You Feel Better Soon.

Take Care,
