View Full Version : doctor trouble

21-06-05, 10:47
hi everyone,
im really stressed out after receving a letter from my doctors surgery, we have to change drs because we are not in the area ive only just got used to my old drs because they understood what was going on with me its really daunting to have to change i feel so vunreble now what am i to do:(:(:(:(
luv suexx

21-06-05, 10:53
I know how you feel, My boyf and I are looking to move house soon, but can only look in our area as my doctor is so brilliant I dont wanna change and risk getting a not so understanding doctor!

So i know how you feel, maybe you can give the surgery a call and explain the situation or maybe they wil be able to put you in touch with another good doctor?

Tatty B xx

21-06-05, 11:22
thanks tatty b,
ive already told them i wasnt happy about the situation, but they were adiment we had to change surgerys, im really worried im going to have a panic att when i go down to registir with new drs,
luv suexx

21-06-05, 11:38
I know how you feel as im getting confortable at my docs, and I know i wouldnt wanna change - Ive had to change dentists but havnt been to the new one yet as im too scared!

Maybe give the new surgery a ring and explain the situation and have a chat to them to put your mind at ease, or take a drive to the surgery and familiarise yourself with the building before you make the appointment to go.

Tatty B xx

21-06-05, 11:57
my normal doctor only works weds to fri who i have seen him for over 10 years and understands my anxiety,i made appointment for a check up and was given a appointment with another doc,she turned out to be very good and seem also to understand anxiety.

metal,rock, and hardcore music is my life!

21-06-05, 15:05
Hi Sue,

Maybe you could talk to your current doctor and see if they can recommend someone in your area?


~Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage~ Anais Nin

21-06-05, 15:10
Sue - I'm sure they will be able to find a nice doctor for you who will understand what you are going through. Good luck with it all!! :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

21-06-05, 17:28
hi i moved out of the area i was living and my doc did not say i had to change well i moved out of the town hope you get sorted out

21-06-05, 17:36
Hi Sue

Do you know anyone living in the area you are moving to? If so perhaps they could recommend a good doctor.

I know it is unsettling having to change but you might find a really good doctor in your new area.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

21-06-05, 20:10
Hi Sue,
Sorry you are having a worrying time right now. I understand how you are feeling about 'changing' doctors, but i believe they all have their limited areas they have to stick to...Before you go along to register, please ring the nurse and let her know exactly how you feel, i think they just do the basic tests (blood pressure, urine, etc.) which the nurse will be able to do, if you let them know in advance they should be able to accomodate you by arranging a time which you will suit you, maybe when it's not too busy, do tell them though, most people will help if you let them know the set-up?

25-06-05, 18:35

I had a fab doctor in Sheffield and then I had to move down south. I thought I would never find another great doctor but I have !

I am sure you will soon find one that you get on with and can trust.


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"