View Full Version : bruising

01-12-08, 20:36
hey, i was just wondering if random bruising can occur when your anxiety is extremly high and your really stressed? because today i noticed a massive bruise on my leg and two small ones.. and i dont remember banging my legs at all! lately my anxiety has been at its worst and i've been really stressed with it so does anyone know if these two are linked?

thankyou! x

01-12-08, 20:56
Oh I wouldn't worry about that - I've got a big bruise on my leg and I haven't the foggiest how I got it - I'm always doing it.:D

01-12-08, 21:43
I'm glad to hear that I'm not the only one that does that! I get bruises all of the time and I never know how they get there! Occasionally I'll remember how it happened, but I get so wrapped up in my HA that I don't even realize it when I really hurt myself! I'm always wondering if I have some kind of underlying condition that is causing me to bruise, when in reality, I did bump into something but just don't remember! Rest assured, you're not alone!

01-12-08, 21:44
my husband said this morning ,how the hell did you get that big bruise on your back, ive no idea so dont worry they just appear it seems


01-12-08, 23:25
I'm always backing into door handles and they don't half hurt.:weep: Think that accounts for bruises on my back but god knows where the others come from.
I had a major panic when I first went to the doctors when I felt I had something in my throat and was convinced it was throat cancer (turned out to be acid reflux.:huh: ) The doctor took my blood pressure and temperature. When I got home I had all these funny little bruises on my right arm - like little lines and I was convinced I had cancer. It was where the cuff of the blood pressure monitor had been too tight and pinched my skin.:ohmy: I kept pinching myself then to see if a bruise would appear.:huh:

02-12-08, 02:51
aw I sometimes notice bruising and have no idea where it came from, it can be scary when you don't remember hitting of anything

02-12-08, 16:55
thanks everyone x

02-12-08, 16:59
Me too with the bruising. Its so easy to knock yourself and not realize you have done it.