View Full Version : ha sky high

01-12-08, 22:35
im feeling rubbish atm myself, my dad ill with a chest infection , my hubby being sick and got lots of blood comming out from his behind and i mean loads he going to be angry i even said that, said getting him appointment in morning he said no but i still am , when does it ever end for god sake :weep:

01-12-08, 22:36
im in such a mess ive put it in wrong place im going loopy , can someone move it to ha please appolgies


01-12-08, 22:41
hiya darling, please calm down, ok i think its good idea for hubby to b checked also to put minds at rest, blood can b a number of things, a very common one being piles which can produce lots of blood.

men hate doctors but sometimes we have to put our foot down with them.

we all here for u matey to support you, let us know how hubby gets on tommorow hugs xxxxxxxxxx

01-12-08, 22:46
ty donna thanks so much for your support, ill let you know xxxxxxxxxx

01-12-08, 22:51
thanku amanda, try relax abit hun, i know its hard. here for u hun xx

hope your dad feels better too xxxxx

02-12-08, 21:56

Just wanted to let you know I was thinking about you and hub. Hope he's okay. Let me know. I've missed chatting with you.

I'm here if you need to chat/email.


02-12-08, 22:26
hi amanda i was wondering like natalie how u doing and how your hubby got on at doctors?

was thinking of u this morn, i hope everything ok matey xxxx

03-12-08, 13:50
hi natalie and donna well bottom line is he hasnt been yet , he is so bloody stubborn but im getting there slowly i think ,thank you both for the replies, im more worried about him than he is stubborn man anyway will keep you posted
thank again


03-12-08, 13:57
hi mand
keep your chin up

03-12-08, 14:06
Hiya beaut ...hope u ok ..x
God u havin shi**y time at the mo ..hope yr hubby stops bein stubborn and goes 2 the docs m8 .....x
U look after yrself though aswell hun x
spk v v soon x

Titch xxxxxxxxxx:hugs:

03-12-08, 14:23
hiya matey, ahh men, wot they like. you keep youself well and try relax.
hugs xxx