View Full Version : Please help...

01-12-08, 23:45
I'm so scared. I can't stop these intrusive thoughts! I keep feeling like im going to choke someone...especially children. Before, i thought about it, and didn't have a reaction...i felt numb, just like "whatever" which scared me even more, because i thought, on no, im loosing it and don't even care if i kill somoen..plz help. has anyone else ever had thoughts liek this?

02-12-08, 01:25
First off welcome

Second -you are not alone
Third- I know and don't know how you feel, but there are many many people who have these type intrusive thoughts, I am one of them. The medical community will call it pure o, “ocd” but I believe it's more than a simple term. But saying this may not help. Your brain may be on fire right now telling you something that is not true. But your conscious spirit that is full of so much love is more powerful than your brain. In fact it has so much love it makes it seems crazy that you have such the thoughts. But you do and remember this, It's just a thought. These suck. But it will calm down. But you do need help. The fact that you were able to write down your thoughts is a huge start. Hang in and welcome.

02-12-08, 09:26
Hey there, yes I have had similar thoughts like afraid of hurting my children and actually thought omg, what if i do it, to the point that i couldnt trust myself. Your thoughts are classic case of ocd and I also went through the omg, now i dont care, which means i may do it. Thing is, we are in more control than we think, and you freaked out because you didnt think you cared, but in actual fact you do, because you cared about not caring lol. Funny illness this ocd is, sometimes, I have to have a little laugh to myself, about my obsessions as they are indeed very strange.

You are not alone.
