View Full Version : GAD and the UK weather!

21-06-05, 11:39
Hi im new here, and i have GAD, i was wondering if anyone else has a fear of the weather! just recently ive developed this fear probably because of that TV program regarding the mega heat-wave, im going to cornwall in a month which will be a 6 hour drive with my 2 young kids, now im worried about being stuck in traffic on the motorway in the heat, By the way ive never driven on a motorway! so ive got double anxiety about it all. Any tips or reassurance would be appreciated.

Dee [8)]

21-06-05, 11:59
set of very early,and make sure u have plenty of stops,as a sufferer of GAD,i would not like to think i was makin a 6 hour trip..lol

metal,rock, and hardcore music is my life!

21-06-05, 12:12
Hi Tony, Yeah im gunna start off at 2am or maybe earlyer. its a bugger when a holiday is supposed to enjoyable and relaxing yet for people like us it can cause more stress. ill probably enjoy it when im there (hopefully).


21-06-05, 18:06
Just take it really slowly Dee. I'm sure once you get there you'll have a great time :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

22-06-05, 12:54
Yeah gunna take it slowly, thinking of leaving about 12am now, ive heard traffic is bad near Bristol, i dont want to hit the rush hour.
Cheers Dee.

25-06-05, 18:33

Are you driving or a passenger?


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

25-06-05, 22:36
Hi Nicola, Well me and my hubby are going to take turns, im not sure if ill be more anxious driving or letting Alan drive! im now worried about the weather you just dont know what its gunna be doing on the day, i will be really put off if theres thunderstorms and the chance of flooding, being stuck miles from home, i really dont know how im gunna be till the day comes (which is the 15th July). need some reassurance!

Take Care Dee.

25-06-05, 23:30
Good idea to go through the night especially as you're heading SW - caravan country in mid July.

Arm yourself with an emergency packs of things that might help the journey for you all and try to get the kids settled early on.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

26-06-05, 09:04
Hi Deeko,

Try not to worry too much the build up is usually alot worse

than doing it....Have a great time

All the best

Feel free pm me if you want to chat

steno -x-

26-06-05, 09:59
Hi, by travelling through the night the kids should sleep giving you one less worry, we always used to travel at night time and much preferred it.
Sharing driving is helpful too, you will become less tired so hopefully less stressed. I always imagine my holiday when i arrive and the journey seems to go quicker. I am the same with flying and this year we have got to land in London to pick up so its double worry, lol, take care, love Alexis,x

28-06-05, 01:55
Hi Deeko and Welcome

I posted about this very thing many moons ago, under the phobias section.

I think the correct name for it is stormophobia a fear of extreme weather. ( wether it be too hot, too cold or too stormy.)

I think my problem comes from the fact that every time I have been "ill" the weather has been very hot and so I associate the warm weather with panic.

Cars with air con are a god send. No way would I be with out it.
It really has helped me during this warm weather.

The best advice I can give, is to give yourself lots of air. But NOT direct air. I find that the air blowers shooting air directly into my face makes me feel worse.

If your kids have a Gameboy advance, you can now get cartoon network programmes that plug in like the games. Each cartridge costs about £14 and has 44 mins worth of cartoons.
They are great for keeping the kids busy.
Failing that give them a colouring book and some pencils [^]

Love, light and Best wishes
Liz xxx
With hard work and determination and all the things you know.
The world is there for you to take. There's nowhere you can't go.

[:p]Scatty Eccentric & 'Poet Laureate to panic and anxiety'