View Full Version : hello

02-12-08, 15:51
ive suffered anxiety for a few years now,but two years ago i went on citalopram and it went. or so what i thought. ive recently had a baby, got married and just come back off holiday. in those 2 years ive had the odd bout of tiredness and tight throat ect, but i didnt dwell on them coz i knew they were anxiety related. anyway since coming back off holiday, i felt on a right downer couldnt be bothered to get up and take my kids to school, ect. then that thing happened with that baby p and it really upset me to the point where i felt ill. i started feeling detached from my family emotionally, and didn't want to be at home. i keep looking at the clock thinking what would i be doing now if i felt normal. then the restless ness started and i have to keep walking around. i get no enjoyment out of things, i do them because i have to. when i go out i no im not going to die but feel anxious over i dont know what. everything on the shelfs in shops look to busy for my eyes. and if someone talks to me my eyes go all funny like i cant consintrait on what they are saying, and need to get away, this feeling leaves me not wanting to go out or have friends round, because once i start talking to them my eyes need to look away like i cant hold the conversation. i keep crying all the time because for 2 years ive felt what it was like to be normal. i know you can get over it, but i get thoughts like... whats the point when it will just come back. and i keep thinking perhaps its not anxiety, even though i know deep down it is.:weep: im back on citalopram and i have been for just over a week but dont feel any better, my physical symptoms have calmed down, like the restlessness. but cant sleep, due to constant thinking about how im feeling. does anyone eles get this

Diane O'Brien
02-12-08, 16:22
Hi Hun

I do get this and is sounds like you are depressed, obviously I can not make a correct diagnosis just on reading your post. Have u felt like this before. No enjoyment of things and feeling detached from people is a sure sign of depression hun.

Its good ur on citalopram because I,m also on that, keep with the medication hun, take a day at a time and your lack of sleep should sort itself out soon.

Yoy said u just had a baby, do u think it could be a bit of postnatal depression? I was also terribly upset over baby P as well

Look after yerself. Take Care.

02-12-08, 16:38
im so fed up of trying to acess this ilness. im exhasted with it all. if i think back to when i was a little girl i used to think deep things like how are we here, and fearing death. i used to get this horrible feeling. looking back i think ive had depersonalisation when i was young too, could this be caused from to much thinking? i used to feel floaty like i was in a dream world. and numb but could feel myself if i was touched. does this make sence. then when i was 16 i got pregnant, i was convinced i had h.i.v and worked myself so much up about it that one night i had a panic attack, and it left me with this strange head. when i went out everything looked strange and i felt like i was a ghost. my hands and arms didnt feel connected to me. i thought i was dying, mum took me to the drs and he told me i had a virus. so i went 4 years not knowing what was wrong with me. i think ive deleloped a phobia about the derealisation that i had when i was 16 because it lasted 3 months and knowone knew what it was, i still keep questioning everything. i cant sleep in the day because if i wake up with a fuzzy head, just from being asleep, i think ive got dp back im going to get stuck like it.