View Full Version : simon new to all this

02-12-08, 15:51
hi everyone , im simon thought i would give this a try as have been suffering from terrible anxiety and depression .... simon

02-12-08, 16:35
Hi Simon

Welcome to the site I hope it is of help to you.

The people on here are really nice and will offer you some good advice and support.

Take care


02-12-08, 16:55
Hi Simon
You are new too? Same here. I hope that finding this site will help. I need to log off in a minute to get on with things (been finding my way around, getting lost, dunno if I have twigged how to work things yet as I have never done this before and the terminology is new - 'thread'??!) but I had to reply to you first to say well done for making that post because telling folks how you are really feeling inside (and getting a response) is one way to break the isolation and know that you are not alone. And if it was you who replied to Alien just now, what a lovely response you gave him!
Take care, Faraway

02-12-08, 19:28
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx