View Full Version : really need some friendly help and advice

02-12-08, 16:05
Hi everyone/anyone,

I really need help and just dont know what to do. Here's my story. Im 26 and suffer with what i think is social anxiety. basically i have always been an unhappy kind of person, i self harmed when younger and took a lot of drugs in my early 20s. All was manageable and although i was depressed, i was coping. One day at university i had a panic attack while giving a speech (caused by mixture of drugs and depression i think). I was talking to the class and literally could not speak. Was sweating, my heart beating so hard it was all i could hear. blood seemed to drain over my eyes and i became virtually blind. infront of all my peers i pretty much began to sob. this went on for 10 minutes while i battled through my important presentation. After uni i never really experienced it as never was in that situation.

but last year i got a good job, and it became necessay for me to talk in board meetings. then low and behold the same hing happens in front of all my work colleagues. i just wanted to die afterwards. had a loving girlfriend who got me over it. but i now cannot go to any meetings. its affecting my career as i have to make excuses why i cant go, or go sick, or in one instance change job to avoid havoing to go through this phobia of mine. It sounds so crazy but i actually did quit a job and get a new one to avoid the dreaded presentation. I have broken up with my partner, largely due to the fact that i hate myself for not being able to provide for her properly. i mean if we had kids who needed food how can i explain why i just quit another good job.

i guess im realising that something has got to give, i really need to sort this out, as it is really worsening my depression and i have beome pretty much suicidal over the last months.

what can i do?

02-12-08, 16:17
hello mate , sounds like your not alone , im simon and im 39 , i have been suffering from depression and anxiety for a number of years now and over the last year things like meetings ( which i have to do every day at work ) and presentations are unbearable .. it has got to the point i feel im going to lose bladder control , pass out , cant talk or stand up so i understand completely how terrible it can be . i have come on to this site to find help for myself and hope i can be supportive to others along the way ..... hope this site helps , would welcome any ideas , or just a chat , take care . simon

02-12-08, 16:30
Hi Alien
As Simon just wrote, you are not alone. I really feel for you and what you are going through. I broke down at work twice last month, it is so difficult sometimes to listen to your body telling you that you need to stand back, step down a bit. Now I feel that going back will be like trying to climb Everest ( am off sick). Good kind friends say to me not to be so hard on my self and to 'look after' myself, and I must admit that when things are really bad deep at the bottom of it all there is always an inner critical, judgemental voice (but I can't always recognise it for what it is!). I hope that friends say kind and loving words to you and that you feel supported by messages on this site. If like me you are beating yourself up or have a tendency to, try your hardest not to - imagine what a wise and loving guide would tell you and trust that voice instead! Good luck dear Alien

02-12-08, 16:30
hello mate , new to this but in the same boat as you , panic attacks , terrible trouble with meetings etc ........ meeting girls , . im hoping this site will help , would welcome a chat sometime or any ideas .......... good luck , simon

02-12-08, 16:36
Hi everyone

Thanks for the quick replies, i really appreciate people caring. I havnt yet spoken to my GP yet as im a bit embaressed (not phobic like re speaking in groups but still dont want to have to say anyhting!) its weird because sometimes i can be so confident. 1 on 1 siuations i am almost fine with. for some reason my brain triggers off this reaction when im in groups.

Has anyone out there ever had this and recovered??

what im most scared of is that i have damaged my brain through drug and alcohol abuse and that i will be ruined forever?

02-12-08, 16:38

Welcome to the site I am sure you will get some good advice and support on here.

Take care


02-12-08, 19:29
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx