View Full Version : I know this isnt HA related but im still nervous

02-12-08, 16:27
Ok, this is really silly but im at home on my own at the mo and there was a really loud knock at the door, i never usually answer but for some reason i did today. It was 2 huge guys trying to sell me cheaper gas i said no thanks and they then asked if they could come in i said no and one of them said i had a beautiful smile. I shut the door! an hour later i was sitting here and i could hear laughing outside and someone said 'is she in' then there was another loud knock, looked through the peep hole and it was the same guys i didnt answer and they knocked twice more and left. For some reason this has left me really nervous and im being slightly irrational that they might come back and break in or hurt me :( i know its stupid but maybe its cos im on my own

02-12-08, 16:30
aw honey, just ignore them. Obv they are just weirdos getting cheap thrills out of scaring people. Probably more nervous as you are on your own. Just keep yourself busy, the door locked & they can't hurt you. If it carries on, call the police. xxxx

02-12-08, 16:33
Right if this was my daughter ringing to tell me this tale(she is about the same age as you!) I would say DONT answer the door to them or anyone til you have looked through the peep hole.
No one is going to break in hunny----if you are worried you can ring the place they are from and ask why they called again when you had already said you werent interested. My son who is a similar age too had a ring on his bell the other night at about midnight---he rang me worried and i said it will just be the wrong house and dont answer it!!If, at the end of the day they come back again just go to an upstairs window and shout down what do they want? Tell them hubbie is on nights and that they are waking him up!!!!! Take care---you will be fine---just ignore them xx

02-12-08, 16:33
Meant also to say that if they come back you can always ring the police----that is after shouting out of upstairs window that they are waking hubby up!!!They wont be back again xxx

02-12-08, 16:41
Thanks guys, they didnt say where they were from one of them had a clip board but it was so quick. Hopefully my partner will be home soon and i will get him to answer if they call again. Idiots!