View Full Version : scary movie

02-12-08, 16:46
hi ive always suffered with aniety, ect.. but just wondered. when i was on holiday my boyfriend started watching saw3 and he told me it was on, but i got this really bad feeling like i really wanted him to turn it over, usually i love horror films. and when i had to take him to the hospital i got a really bad feeling being there like i felt terrified. has anyone had this before?:wacko:

02-12-08, 18:15
I never used to have problems with seeing scary movies...infact i liked them. Now, whenever they are on, i can watch it, but i don't like it, i can feel the anxiety building up and am really aware of what my heart is doing when i watch them.

As for hospitals, i am a qualified paediatric nurse so hospitals never bothered me, since giving birth to my daughter last year I had a horrific post natal stay on a ward and since have been pretty much phobic of hospitals! I won't be working there when i get a job,thats for sure so qualification pretty much waste of time hahaha!

Bless u, this anxiety lark really is horrible isn't it! But you're not alone xxx

02-12-08, 18:43
I use to love horror movies but now of days the horror is more gore that they call "creativity" honestly the directors, producers etc of movies are honestly more screwed up than we thnk we are. None the less horror movies becasue of anxiety frighten the hell out of ma and make me think the worst is going to happen and I might be the bad guy or something. I like to wtach funny movies that make you laugh and dramatic movies that make you cry, you should stick to those until you get enough courage to watch horro movies again.


03-12-08, 06:38
Wow now this is interesting, I use to love horror movies as well. What is it with people with anxiety loving horror lol. These days, after my breakdown 8 months ago, I cannot watch any horror or supernatural movies. At one stage I couldnt watch the news or even some tv shows. I was so open. I think when anxiety is high, it is probably best to avoid such movies.

thanks for listening

03-12-08, 08:10

I do find it really weird that we were/are all horror film fanatics!! I've never had a problem watching horror films if i'm with someone else, but I do sometimes find that they make me have a rather overactive imagination when I'm on my own. Slightly on edge and always thinking that someone might be watching. I can NEVER have the curtains open when it's dark outside.

Not really too bothered about hospitals either, but I think that's because I was so ill growing up that I'm kinda used to them. I can totally understand why it would bring on a sense of fear - mainly because of all the news stories of people getting worse whilst in hospital due to other bugs etc... Maybe its the thought of seeing unwell, injured or dying people that makes you feel this way? Would explain why it happened during a horror film and hospital.

Try and avoid horror films and hospitals where possible for the time being... just until you start to feel a bit better and in control.

Take Care

Holly x x

03-12-08, 09:00
I'm exactly the same. I wouldn't say I was a horror film fanatic but I didn't mind watching them. Now I can't bear to watch them because I get so anxious. If my bf puts one on I just go upstairs and watch tele in bed. I forced myself to watch deadset even though I hate zombie films cause it sounded good but I had nightmares for ages afterwards.

Veronica H
03-12-08, 09:46
:scared15: hi all,
I have never been a real fan of horror but could tolerate them. They are actually targeting our nerves as part of the experience, therefore if we are sensitised it is probably best to avoid them. I love thrillers though, can still watch these, but earlier this year could not watch the news, have anything loud on the TV/ radio as I had senses that would have rivalled spidermans!

Best wishes
