21-06-05, 12:20
Why is it when i have had a few good days its always followed by chronic tiredness. I start to make plans of what i will do the next day then WHAM!!!! the next day comes and i can hardly get out of bed it really gets me down.Ihavent got time to sit around and although it might sound strange the tiredness is so extreme it panics me. Ihave just dozed of with a relaxation tape but its made no differance. So thats another day ruined. Sorry to winge on but i am fed up. Worse still it always lasts all day whatever i do.
Does anyone else get this?

Luv Barb xxx

21-06-05, 12:38
Funny you should mention this... yesterday I had my best day in ages and today I am shattered!
Really can't work out why this might be. Possibly on good days the brain is working on a different level, at perhaps an optimum level of performance, and is not used to it, and so we get tired the next day.
Or perhaps it is just the time of year and we're not sleeping as well during the night when it is hot...


*** I think, therefore I'm anxious ***

21-06-05, 12:38
Hiya Barb,

Yeah I also get this..Im feeling like it today and Ive got lots to do but no energy, my eyes feel stingy too...and it is horrible as you think if you have akip it will go but it doesnt!

Hope you feela little better later.

Tatty B xx

21-06-05, 12:46
thats true Gareth i am not sleeping well, but i still get it when i do

Barb xx

21-06-05, 12:46
Hi Barb

I also have a few good days and then I'm shattered as well.

Also after a couple of wobbly days it takes me a while to get back in the swing of things and stop being exhausted.

Jo x

21-06-05, 12:52
hi barb yeah i suffer from a lot of tiredness,but i still try to get out for walks,and light excerise which seems to help

metal,rock, and hardcore music is my life!

21-06-05, 13:08
Hi Tony

Iwish i could go out even in the garden as i;ve got so much to do but i got up to get some lunch and felt like i was going to collapse thats how bad it is.

Barb xx

21-06-05, 13:56
barb have you tried research on ME(chronic fatigue)maybe that will help

metal,rock, and hardcore music is my life!

21-06-05, 14:04
Hi Barb,
Sorry you feel rough right now, i understand how you are feeling, but if you are not sleeping, add to that the hot weather, stir in anxiety and panic, and that's why you are tired, i have no advice really, just to say i have things to do in the garden, so armed with notepad/pen, water, chair etc.. i sat in the garden and made lists, i know it gets nothing done, but it's a start. Have a nice early night, if poss. listen to your relaxation tape and tomorrow?? hopefully!!!!!!! xxxxxxxxxxxx

21-06-05, 15:02
Hi Barb,

When I first started getting better after having extreme anxiety, I was also completely wiped...I would go out and do an errand, and then have to lay down for 3 hours to recover!! The way I figure it, the lessening of the anxiety for a good day allows the body to relax, which it likes (!!!) and then it wants more, hence the tiredness the next day! I just went with it, and allowed my body to get the rest it needed. In time, the tiredness decreased, because my body was getting stronger. Try not to see it as a wasted day...you are helping your body to heal! That said, I did try to do at least one thing a day, because laying around all day can become addicting!

Take care, hope you feel better soon,

~Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage~ Anais Nin

21-06-05, 16:20
hi barb how are you feeling now i am tired most days as i dont sleep well but with hot weather it just makes it ten times worse

hope you feel well soon

leanne x

21-06-05, 20:27
Hi Barb

Yes, I do have days when I am really tired and lethargic, anxiety can be very draining..


**Don't believe everything you think .**

21-06-05, 21:09
I have these, they are my highs and lows. When I have anxiety really bad for a few days in a row, I feel tired. When I have high days I think my adrenaline runs out. I do however find that I am watching for the Anxiety monster to re-appear. I think sometimes I waste a lot of energy worrying. Sometimes for us suffers, we don't feel normal and energized as much as the anxiety and so feeling normal stands out to us.

My girlfriend once in a while will say I feel down today, I am the opposite, I felt great today, I had a good day!



22-06-05, 12:03
Hi Barb,:D

Your not alone hun.

I get days like that when i feel so shattered everything is such a effort yesterday was one oe of them. I decided to struggle through and go to aqua areobics by the afternoon i was zonked I fell asleep [|)] on the sofa.

I seem to have short bursts of energy and then it dissappears not sure where to?[Duh!] LOL I'll let you know when I find it! I hope you feel better soon.

Take care,;)

Love PIP'S X X

Sue K with 5
22-06-05, 12:04
I have the exact problem , extreme tiredness, I can sleep during the day, and at nights I cant sleep until 3 or 4 am in the morning, then during the day I try to stay awake but the sleep overtakes.

I to have what I call a really good day where I have been busy kept active and not felt tired and then the following day WHAM!!! I could sleep for england. I have had blood tests the work to try and find out if I had an underlying problem and nothing.

I think it is the bodies way of dealing with our anxiety and stress and when we have felt good for a day, the overwhelming feeling catches up with us

Its like being told hey! you can have a good day but tom you will suffer!!!!

If I force myself to go out I have to come home and lay down for three hours just to recover from the anxiety I have felt during that period of time

I am sitting here now yawning and yet I have only been up two hours

go figure !!

Take care and try to relax more that might aid in your bodies recovery process and enable you to extend you good days

Sue with five children


22-06-05, 14:56
Thanks everyonethat really helped Isuppose i will just have to accept that i will get this after good days for quite a while until i get on more of an even keel


22-06-05, 15:23
Hi everyone,

Just wanted to pass along some info...I also experience this fatigue, and was having a rough go of it the last little while. I started going regularly to Yoga (Hatha), and am now feeling MUCH better--haven't napped for 5 days now which is a big achievement! I highly recommend giving it a try, and the great thing is that you don't feel like you are working hard while you are doing it, so you can do it even when wiped!


~Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage~ Anais Nin