View Full Version : Is this just anxiety?

02-12-08, 22:49

About a month ago I started experiencing palpitations, ectopic beats, fluttering, etc. which I think caused a mild panic attack when I felt my pulse during one of my episodes. I've been to the doctor's and, while they're going to hook me up to an event monitor, they don't seem overly concerned.

About two weeks ago I started worrying a lot about my heart again and I started to get a buzzing/tingling sensation in the left of my chest. Then, after a few days, I started getting buzzing in the palms of my hands, and a few days after that, buzzing in my feet (heels and soles, mainly). This shifted my worries about my heart to worries about having some sort of neurological disease such as MS.

I've been to the doctor, who has performed some neurological tests (checking my reflexes, strength and eyes) and she said they were fine. Another doctor thinks I may have some sort of underlying anxiety disorder and isn't too worried about the physical symptoms I'm experiencing.

What I think would really help me is for someone to say if anxiety has caused these sensations before. I'll try to describe them:

- Buzzing in the chest area (this doesn't happen much now)
- Buzzing hands (mainly the palms) and feet (mainly the heels)
- Buzzing can get worse and spread to the back, down the arms and up the legs, but when I am relaxed it's mainly just my hands and feet.
- Leg muscle trembles occasionally
- Small muscle twitches in arms or legs while lying in bed
- Symptoms seem much milder or barely noticeable when I wake up in the morning

The one symptom that I'm really worrying about is the fact that if I bend my neck forward I sometimes feel a twinge (or greater intensity in the buzzing) in the soles of one or both feet, and not the back or arms - this would suggest something physically wrong but it's strange for it to affect just the feet.

I would greatly appreciate any input.


EDIT - I've had my thyroid tested and it was fine. I'm getting blood tests done for B12, Folate and some other stuff tomorrow.

10-12-08, 12:26
An update.

The doctor put me on a small dose of beta blockers to help with the symptoms. They seem to have stopped the buzzing but I'm still getting those internal tremors and shaking - I even notice my eyes or eyelids "vibrating" when I have them closed!

And I just got back my blood test results - full blood count, gp profile, b12, folate all normal. Also, ESR and CRP are normal, therefore not really indicative of an autoimmune disorder as I initially feared :)

Now I just have to wait until my body fixes itself.

I'm guessing it's normal for trembling and other symptoms to persist for a while after a period of acute stress? Even if I don't really feel all that anxious any more? Please someone say yes so I can wait this out as long as it takes!