View Full Version : swallowing and me

02-12-08, 22:57
Hey guys
A while back i had problems swallowing solid foods,they felt like they stuck in my throat everytime i swallowed and it was annoying so i stopped eating solids for 8weeks and lost weight as i was jus eating soup.anyway,i went to the ENT who put camera up nose and down throat and said that it was acid reflux causing this problem and gave me Esoprezole(inexuim) or whatever they are!!i took them for about a week and like magic i could eat again without the feelings,then i stopped taking the tabs,tut tut i knw i was stupid i knw ::weep: and now ever since sat ive had the same problems diffuculty swallowing and the food stickin feeling but ive been trying to eat food and get on with it though but its frightening me,i knw it proberly is acid reflux-inflamming my food pipe .i have started taking the tabs again and been taking them for a few days but im not sure whats happening.and i jus wana know if anyone has had this problem or anythink similar ?! i do get the burning in throat sometimes from the acid but not all the time i just wish i could eat properly i hate not eating..and i dont wanna lose anymore weight. thanks for reading my post,any help or advice wud b grateful..why cant i be normal!!:shrug: !!

02-12-08, 23:18
Yes I had the same problem as you a couple of months ago and I was prescribed omeprazole capsules which are something the same as you are on I think for acid reflux. I only get mild burning too in my throat mostly in the mornings when I get up and also seem to get a lot of air trapped inside me sometimes which can be very uncomfortable. I am just taking one omeprazole a day now and it seems to be doing the trick. I don't think they do you any harm to take them regularly - my sister says she has been on them for 7 years now and I know a lot of people seem to take them long term. I am going to ask the doctor about them on Thursday when I go to see what she says about them.:unsure: They don't really tell you much when they prescribe them do they so you aren't really sure how long you are meant to take them for or anything. I have been eating a lot better and feeling a lot better in general these last few days since I stopped being as anxious about my health so I think maybe anxiety plays a big part in all this and the acid can also be due to anxiety I've read.

Do you have health anxiety in general?

03-12-08, 01:44
yes i do have health anxiety, but this is a physical problem im going through with the trouble swallowing!!! and i think becos i was silly enought to stop them iv made myself worse.so iam trying to eat and hoping things will get better.iam on the tabs again and hopin and praying it will get better again. my chest does also get tight and feel like i need to burp but cnt... and my throat feels tight and full of phelm and sore.my doc said to take these esopreozole for @ least 3 to 6 months and i didnt and im so angry its my fault .i jus love food and get worrieed i dnt wana loose weight.thanks for ur reply anyway.lots of love c.xx

03-12-08, 08:54

I've been having similar issue with uncomfortableness when swallowing. Some days its better than others and my throat stings if I take anything like Gaviscon which would indicated that my gullet is inflammed and a bit raw. I also get food feeling 'sharp' as its going down my gullet and I feel the sharpness in my back. Quite a weird feeling.

I've tried Omeprazole for last 5 days but didnt make much difference. I dont think its anything serious but I'm seeing the doctor again on Thursday to get it checked out.

I think it was initially brought on by stress becausing I'm having some bladder issues at the moment and worrying over that seemed to start the swallowing thing. However its been a couple of weeks now so should probably try to get it sorted. Good to know that other people have similar stuff though - makes you feel less alone!

17-12-08, 03:29
cthechick84...I was just wondering if you started re-taking your meds and have seen a difference in the swallowing? My "lump in throat" sensation has subsided the last few days but today when I was eating it felt like the food was sticking again. Still have a slight sore throat too. Just wondering if the meds worked for you and if you think I should mention it to my doctor as well. Thanks!

18-12-08, 01:11
hey hunni. i first got this problem in october and i tuk the tabs for 2 or 3 weeks and it disapeared i was soo happy , but thn i stupidly stopped the tabs and its came bk and i restarted on the tabs 3weeks ago nearly and iam seeing sum imrovement but i also ave very a sore thoat which i think cud b frm the virus's that my children ave at the moment. but iam still having trouble to swallow as the food feels as if it sticks or i feel it go down. ur best bet is to go to ur doc and ask for the tabs and take them see how they are ? they orked for me and im hoping it wil disapear again soon too.as its horrible ,my throat feels rough like sandaper too,im trying so hard to swallow foods its jus bluky things feel worse so im taking things slow.cos the worse thing u can do is get scard to eat thats done me no favours . but u will b fine honey i got through it once ill do it again.take care best wishes C.xx