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View Full Version : Clear those medicine cabinets out!!

07-12-03, 18:52
I just had to share this with you ...

Meg (Radar) came to see me today and took a look in my bathroom cabinets and found a few out-of-date items and suggested I have a clear out ;)

Well I did that after she left and I now have a WHOLE carrier bag full of out-of-date medicines and about another 10 boxes of drugs that I will take to the chemist for safe disposal.

Some of the items went out of date in 1996 [:0]

I am just looking at the huge bag of things I have cleared out and they include numerous vitamins, creams, aspirins, homeopathic remedies, cold remedies, hay fever tablets, upset stomach remedies and then the anti-depressants I have taken and the 2 lots of blood-pressure tablets that I had to come off.

I didn't realise how much of it was out of date and I am not sure why I kept some Prozac that I no longer take and it was prescribed in 1997!!

Anyway now my cabinet is empty and I feel much better for a great clearout!!

I was just wondering if anyone else has actually checked their bathroom cabinets recently! It really was surprising how much was out of date so I shouldn't have been taking it anyway! [8)]


07-12-03, 18:59

I did the same not to long ago and I too had a lot of medicines out of date..I think us woman are just hoarders!! Although when I binned mine I didnt think to take them to the chemists!!

I think having a clearout makes you feel better somehow. I bet you felt good thinking just how much you dont need to take medicines to conquer your anxierty anymore. Well done.


07-12-03, 19:01
You're not kidding !!! and I'm glad you said cabinetS.

These out of date drugs can be so dangerous, some just lose their potency and won't work, but some change their chemical structure and become extremely toxic.

As Nic says take them to a chemist - putting them down the loo or in the bin is not a safe option.

As all boxes say- keep medicine safe.

I don't think Nic expected that as part of the visit !!


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07-12-03, 19:37

Yes I did have two cabinets full of drugs/remedies etc. Now they can all fit in one so I will have to treat myself to some new Clarins products to fill the other one!! [8D]

Now you are all warned that if Meg comes to see you then she will be checking the bathroom cabinets so be warned ;)

Sadie - yeah it was a good trip down memory lane for me to see all the drugs I had been on and how long ago like Prozac in 1997 so that was when I last took it! I agree that I was a hoarder too - I had so many drugs to treat things but I rarely took any of them anyway.

I now have NO vitamins left as they were all out of date so I need to replace that lot with just one good multi-vitamin.

Now what cupboard can I clear out next. It is a good job I didn't let Meg see the ones upstairs as they are full of every kind of beauty product that you can get (and I never use - lol)


07-12-03, 21:11
i took a paracetomol at work and then found it it when out of date in 1992.....


07-12-03, 21:41
Oh so it isn't just me then!


08-12-03, 00:09
I REALLY HATE TO ADMIT THIS,and its the first time that i have,but a couple of years ago,i was in terrible pain with toothache,but i tried to live with it,but in the middle of the nite,it got too much for me...so in the middle of the nite,i went to my medicine cabinet..found some penecillen,and took two tablets...well two hours later my kidneys said...your having a joke mate...next morning i looked at the bottle,and they were four years out of date...did i suffer..YES I DID....bryan.

08-12-03, 11:15



08-12-03, 11:35
When I was at my worst Mum came up to be company as I really hated being alone . She read somewhere menial tasks were good - Claire Weeks I think..

Everyday , we cleared out something. The freezer was particularly scary. I used to feed at least 6 every night, often 10 if we had a film crew around so I bought in bulk. When that was all over I didn't need the huge bags of everything so they sat there !!

Many freezer items were several years out of date - Fortunately I never poisoned anyone.

and the tins cupboard....

I was very pleased there were no nasty suprises in the linen cupboard.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

08-12-03, 11:48

Have I missed some posts??

Are u famous??


08-12-03, 11:51
Not at all famous.

My ex is a self employed TV producer. It's was B********y hard work after my usual day at work which brought in steady money, took most of my A/L too !!

Not at all glam.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

08-12-03, 11:55
And now u are being a gluten for punishement and going to be a Galley slave in Switzerland!!!!!


08-12-03, 11:57
That's family - not a bunch of 'luvvies'!! Big improvement.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

08-12-03, 21:21
I haven't even dare start on the freezer or the cupboards yet - I dread to think what I will find in there!
