View Full Version : I Want To Kick Myself Up The Backside!

Purple Fish
03-12-08, 07:25
Hi everyone,

I`ve just got over a horrible bout of PMS and I was expecting to feel better as I usually do when I`ve stopped my period. But I`m feeling quite anxious, a bit fuzzy-headed, worried about my health, a bit depressed. I`m thinking it`s because my birthday is coming up and I want everything to be perfect. Also christmas being round the corner! I seem to start worrying that everything won`t run smooothly and i have high expectations of how I want things to be.
I`m wearing myself out! HELP!!

Tanya xx :shrug:

03-12-08, 07:53
I am one of those people who don't believe that you will go to Hell if you don't have sprouts and nuts at Christmas.

At the end of the day it doesn't matter a jot just enjoy yourself.:)

03-12-08, 11:08
Hi Tanya :D:hugs:

The hardest thing when this happens is to eccept it, we fight with our thoughts that we don't want to be this way, ohhh boy, this only ads fuel to the anxiety. Hunny, I cannot express how much it helps us move forward, if we can just eccept how we are (FOR NOW, just FOR NOW) we eccept, BUT NEVER expect to feel this way, NEVER expect it to happen.

YOU know, that right now, at this present moment in your life, you are unwell with acute anxiety, hunny, I don't mean to sound harsh, please don't take effence, but why, IF, it happens are you so suprised? If you act with suprise and shock that it has happend this will fuel your anxiety, were if your thought pattens say "oh, here we go again", this helps us move on a little. It may not stop the anxiety and racing thoughts at first, BUT, ecceptance takes the sting out of it a little, so to speak.

One of the main and very, very common symptoms of acute anxiety, is negative thoughts, Mrs anxiety, NEVER has anything nice to say, not at all. Not only about the symptoms she gives, but about our day to day life.

Our thoughts have an overwhelming effect on how we feel, if you are worrie about things, the little things in life, then Mrs anxiety is in her elament there, she will feed on all these things, no matter how small the negative thought, she will feed on it and give you her horrible symptoms.

YOU HAVE the most powefull tool in the anxiety box AND THAT IS your thoughts. Learning how to change and challange these thoughts, is not easy, it takes a hell of alot of work, ON YOUR part, the right support and lots of time.

If you can learn, just to change little things, to more positive reasuring thoughts, this help us sooo much, move forward a little, but when acute, even changing and challenging little thoughts, Mrs anxiety is always there saying " ohhhh its NOT working, BUT, this is Mrs anxiety talking, NO MATTER how small the positive change, you ARE moving that bit closer to recovery.

I know for me, it helped me moved forward a little, that when acute, if I felt anxiety present, I would eccept it, be kind to myself, try DAME hard to use positive self thoughts on it being there, eg, "I am unwell right now with panic, anxiety, its ok, it will pass"

When in this mode (anxiety present) always the negative thoughts. I would try my best, depending on the thoughts, to put MORE positive reasuring thoughts where negative ones were, in NO way was this easy when acute.

I had to learn to pick away at my thoughts.

I found, that for myself, the more importants I put on something, like birthdays, christmas holidays Mmm, anything really, the more presure I put on myself, the more presure I put on myself the MORE Mrs anxiety was fed.

Christmas, birthdays, they both come around once a year, they come and go, NO MATTER, how you think, BUT, you need to try and work DAME hard on those thought pattens regarding both of these things, I will not kid you, its NOT easy.

Write your negative thoughts down, then put MORE positive reasuring ones down.

I myself thought of it this way....

If someone subjected a faimily memeber or a friend the kind of punishment, panic, anxiety is giving you, SURELY, you would intervene.....
You would defend them and yet, with yourself you beat yourself up with negative thoughts, hunny, be your own friend, talk to yourself like you would, when helping others.

Listen to yourself, give yourself alternatives to the worse case scenario.

Remember hun, :hugs: NO one and NO thing can make your feel a certain way. YOU own your own thoughts.

I remember saying to my sis, when acut, "I feel like a child, who has just woken up from a nightmare and is very, very scared, BUT, I am awake, its a living nightmare, I feel soo scared all the time" :weep: she said to me, "then, how would you speak to that child, how would you console them, how would you reasure them? ohh boy, this had me thinking. I do belive that thinking like this and learning how to talk to myself in a more positive reasuring way, helped me move on a little.

Hope this has been of some help Tanya :hugs: I do know how DAME hard this is for you and my heart goes out to you :hugs: but you have to START working on those thought pattens.

YOU TAKE CARE, this anxiety mode, WILL pass hunny, you must try and believe it will.


Purple Fish
03-12-08, 17:33
Hi All!

Thanks for the replies! I know what I have to do and I do keep trying to tell myself over and over - it`s the anxiety, nothing else! I just keep having to seek reassurance! I will get through this as I do think I have a strong mind (just not strong enough at the moment) and I know I shouldn`t expect too much, take each day as it comes. See, when I get reassurance I have my rational head on! I want to be like this all the time!!

Thanks again! :yesyes: xx
Tanya :hugs:

03-12-08, 20:15
:buttkick: there ya go hun!! haha... youll be ok huni you know what to do and how to cope..its all the lovely anxiety!! im always here if u need a chat huni or some reassurance......love ya MWAH x

Purple Fish
04-12-08, 07:47

Ha ha just what I needed!! I`ll be on chat later today! woo hoo!

:hugs: Titchy Manitchy!! xx

:roflmao: rofl!!
Tanya xx