View Full Version : Oh well, I'm still here

03-12-08, 11:14
I said I was leaving NMP last week but because my browser kept logging me in automatically, the admins couldn't delete my account. While this was the case I posted a few replies. I have also managed to go over a week now without posting angry torrents of abuse towards the world. So I have decided to stay, for the moment at least.

None of this is interesting but I feel I should explain myself.

03-12-08, 11:17
hi franz, so many people are leaving i really think u should think about it for abit before saying u are leaving because quite often u may feel really angry or down but after a few hours or days u may feel better about coming on, so mayb next time u feel anxious or angry just have a few days or hours off until u feel better.

how u doing anyway? its so blimin cold today but sun is shining so i wont complain to much hehe.

hugs to u xxxxx

03-12-08, 11:36
Franz, I don't think there is a need to explain why you're still here but if you feel you need to, fair enough.
I have found many of your posts interesting and am glad that you have decided to contribute for the time being. As for abusive, well, I'm glad you have managed to get through this last week so maybe it can continue..I hope so as you do have a lot to offer other people.

Veronica H
03-12-08, 22:08
:) :mad: :weep: :scared15: :) this is me in one day never mind a week sometimes. Glad you have decided to stay Franz.


04-12-08, 19:14

Pooh x

05-12-08, 18:17
Thank you for the replies. I appreciate them. As I said, if I get into uncontrollably angry mode again I may need to leave just to stop myself from venting it here. Doesn't help other people, doesn't help me ultimately :|