View Full Version : Fear of flying

21-06-05, 21:45
Hi everyone

I need some advice on beta blockers. The doctor gave me them today to take before and during the flight if needed. Question is do they work for aniexty and help control panic, anyone know?

Sorry to go on but I also need to know how to calm myself down because I also am afraid of everything connected to the holiday, being to hot, dizzy, sick, to tired etc. all the common problems that goes with panic and aniexty. NOT LOOKING FORWARD TO TWO WEEK IN THE SUN

I need of some help please!!!

21-06-05, 23:07
They will slow down your heart beat and stop it racing. They are not relaxants or sedatives.

Have a good holiday


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

22-06-05, 09:22
Meg, sorry to be a pain,

So they will only stop me taking palpitations and not help with aniexty and panic.[?] I normally would have taken a couple drinks before I flew but aniexty is so bad I am afraid to do that now.

22-06-05, 14:05
Hi there,
sorry you are not looking forward to your holiday, i can't help with medication, but this time last year i was exactly the same as you totally terrified of anything and everything to do with my holls. Please read some of the old posts on this site, they will really help you, i know they did me, take care and keep in touch.

22-06-05, 21:01
Hi Ingy!

Ive just arrived back from two weeks in Greece, and I totally understand how you feel!!. On the runway before we took off I thought Ive gota get off the plane oh god Im going to panic and I cant escape, but I was fine in the end, I do find that a couple of drinks help me pre take off!!. It will be worth it I dont want to be back now I want to be in beautiful Greece [Sigh...] have an amazing time and think how great it will be when you arrive at your destination!!. X X

22-06-05, 21:04
Ingy - they will stop the side-effects of anxiety like fast heartbeat rather than the anxiety itself. Hope you have a lovely time away!! :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

23-06-05, 11:32
Thanks everyone for your advice but still far from sure[Sigh...]

I was given propranolol by the doctor and told to take one to three two hours before flying repeat in five hours if needed, can these work so quickly with the desired effect...One more thing does being tired make anyone else more panicky or is that just me. I am going on holiday with my husband and three young children and and afraid of spoiling there holiday on top of everything else.

sorry I just figured out I have posted this on the wrong place!

23-06-05, 13:57
Hi there,
i agree with you about the heat, it does knock you out, but that's everyone, not just us 'anxiety' sufferers. I would suggest making sure you spend lots of time in the shade, let hubby do all the energetic things with the kids, make sure you all have a siesta ,drink plenty of water, and just enjoy, you will be fine, keep in touch.