View Full Version : hormones

03-12-08, 14:00
hi all

i went to see a new shrink esterday who was very nice - she thinks that my hormones have a lot to do with my mood - not all of if though. i used to have polycictic ovaries and she wonders if its back. last time i had a scan i had no cysts but i have all other symptoms - weight gain, body hair , spots etc - dont i sound attractive lol

i wonder if you can still have the syndrome but without actuallyy having cyysts

03-12-08, 14:06
The hospital think that my daughter is suffering from this she is 16 and has got a lot of the symptoms of it. As far as I can gather from what the consultant was telling me you always suffer from it and there is no cure but keeping your weight down can lessen the symptoms. I don't know much about it but am interested to find out some more about this condition.

03-12-08, 16:14
You can have the syndrome WITHOUT the cysts

03-12-08, 18:14
ah can u smilek, thats reallk interesting to know - i must still have it - thanks so much for both your replies - x