View Full Version : twitches/spasms

03-12-08, 15:14
Does anyone else have bad twitches/muscle spasms? they are scaring me now I dread to google them. I get them everywhere arms, legs back neck and bum. :D im just wondering if this is another symptom of HA? anybody able to help or have info on this it would be great. thanx all.

03-12-08, 15:22
Yes I've been getting them for the last couple of weeks and they totally freak me out although everything I've read confirms they are a symptom of Anxiety. Apparently 70% of the population experience twitches and spasms but I guess we just tune into them and get anxious about it which makes it worse.

03-12-08, 15:25
thanx for that Lamo, ye they scare the hell outa me, some actually hurt whch makes it ten times worse.

thax tho :yesyes: :yesyes:

03-12-08, 15:29
Just wanted to add, you're wise not to google it, don't do it cos its just asking for trouble, but there are plenty of sites on Anxiety which list twitching as a symptom and there are loads of threads on here that confirm it.

03-12-08, 15:35
thanx again.xx

03-12-08, 17:58
Stress causes them, also can be caused by low potassium.

If you are worried, eat a banana, eat fish, drink milk, drink orange juice. Anything with potassium in it.

04-12-08, 11:11
Ye I have had my p-levels checked and they were fine, and i dont really feel stressed, however I am hoping its HA and nothing worse. thanx anyway jwoulf. x

08-12-08, 12:22
Hi there everyone,
Muscle twitcing, vibrations, pulsing and a few more i've either had or expirencing right now. Am I worried about them. ABSOLUTELY ...... Am I worried about them as much as I was 4 weeks ago ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!!!
I did the whole DR and specialist thing like most of us, spending a crap load of money for them to tell me it's anxiety.
And like most of you I'm guessing you didn't realy believe them. Wel I didn't anyway. Deep down your thinking they must be missing something.
Short answer. The fear you feeling because of your muscle symptoms, or any symptoms, for that matter, will only keep your symptoms persistant.
You see fear releases stress hormones into your body that does a whole range of things to it to get it ready for the fight or flight response. One of the main ones is to tense your muscles. And yes you might not even know your doing it. I didn't.
Another fact... There is no quick fix for anxiety related symptoms. You have to give your body sufficient rest. Research suggests that for the amount of time it took your body to get to this stage of anxiety, it will typically take 4 times that amount of time to get back to normal. But this wont happen if you continually worry about it. It's not easy, but it's someting I'm slowly lerning how to do.
There are four steps ( as per Claire Weekes book " Complete Self Help for Your Nerves" )
1. Understanding: Learn why your body is having these symptoms

2. Accept: After going to the Dr to check things out and your told that it is anxiety, Accept it. Anxiety wont kill you and neither will the symptoms. Once you accept this your fear levels will fall and eventually so will your symtoms

3. Floating: If you suffer panic attacks learn to float through the experience. Panic attack won't hurt you either.

4. Let time pass: Patience is the key here. As i stated earlier, there is no quick fix for anxiety. Medication will mask the effect but not get to the root of the problem. It may however give you some clarity to understand your condition and recognise your next course of action without meds.

I've done two things to set me on this path.

1. Get the book I mentioned above. If nothing else it will give you peice of mind and set you on the right path.

2. I joined a website called www.anxietycentre.com (http://www.anxietycentre.com/) This website takes you on a path of knowledge and therapy. Very similar to CBT. It's a canadian wwebsite so the exchange rate is in your favour and will cost you very little.
For the benefits it's given me it may be the best money you ever spent. I'm only talking like 15 pounds.

I'm also seeing my work pysch, only 1 session so far but she totally agrees with what I'm doing and has checked out the site and says it is very good also.

Please send me a message and let me know if this info has helped anyone at all, or message me to ask about anything else i have mentioned.

09-12-08, 10:36
That post really helped me Dooges! i have been having pains, tingling senations on my chest and breasts, was worried it was breast cancer! i have been to the docs, she said it wasnt......cut along story short, i need to get it in2 my head that my anxiety is feeding off these pains and making them worse and will be there 4 longer if i dont stop worrying about it!! thanku x

29-01-09, 01:04
I am so glad to be reading this actually. I was thinking of making a doctors appt to find out why I was having these strange random pulses/fluttering feeling in different areas of my body. They come n go so quick but can be in my leg or my foot or my neck etc...its been driving me nuts! I had already been seeing a neurologist for other things n had an mri n mra n bloodwork n it all came back normal. He said it sounds like I am having severe anxiety and suggested a psychiatrist(I havent seen one but did increase my paxil intake). But the past month or so I have had these strange sensations and just knew something must be wrong with me. What about anxiety would cause this to happen? Its very bothersome n worrysome. Is there anything we can do to stop it from happening at all?