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View Full Version : To Good To Last ??

03-12-08, 16:36
Does any one ever feel guilty or paranoid when they have a few good days?
almost like you feel guilty and feel yourself waiting for something bad to happen or for a new 'symptom' to arise. It almost like a little demon on your shoulder saying, 'dont know why your happy, you probably got cancer you know'.

Is this all part of the anxiety thing, I have suffered from dep/anx for 10 years but it never fails to suprise me with a new thought or feeling just when you think you have experienced them all.


03-12-08, 16:48
Hello Dotcom,

I often get this feeling. Just when i should be feeling happy, or am looking forward to something the anxiety kicks in. I am not sure I see it as a guilty feeling for being happy, i think it is because feeling happy and anxiety free is not a common experience, and as you say it almost seems to good to be true.