View Full Version : been to drs re ovarian cancer

03-12-08, 17:25
hi everyone,

been to drs tonight and had a good chat with her regarding everything i was in there about half hour. she said i need to deal with my grief regarding losing my grandma last year and she has advised me to contact cruise bereavement counselling, which i will do

regarding ovarian cancer, she felt my tummy and she said it felt fine she could feel no abnormalities, she asked me if i wanted a scan and i said no because i dont think i could handle the wait for it,

she said she doesnt have any concerns where ovarian cancer are concerned with me especially at my age but she wants me to have the scan for reassurance for me and so she can say to me there is no way you have it,

i asked her loads of times if she was sending me because she thought something was wrong or because she just wanted to reassure me and she said it was to reassure me and she expects it to come back totally fine

but i do have HA so you can imagine what im now thinking, she said she is not referring it as urgent because its not and she thinks the twinges i get are from my bowels

anyone please any reassurance


03-12-08, 18:00
hi jen im really pleased u been to docs today for a chat and she is right, i think u need to believe that hun, you r fine its just your anxiety making u think like u are.

hugs to u xxxxxxxx

03-12-08, 20:37
thank you for your replies donna and tetley,

i rang dr bout an hour after i came back to see if it would be quicker if i went and paid private for scan, she rang me back and she said she cant stop me going privae but she really does not think i need to do that she was quite concerned that she had made my anxiety worse but i told her she hadnt but if i have to have a scan id rather just get it over with, she then went through that my belly felt totally normal and if there was anything wrong she would have felt it,she told me again she was doing this for reassurance and she totally expects it to come back normal and she thinks the twinges i get are bowel related which i was told the same when i spoke to the ovarian cancer specialist nurse, she said the appointment should not take too long probably a couple of weeks and if i needed some more reassurance she told me to go to surgery on friday. she said if she thought there was anything wrong she would have put it through as urgent and i have nothing to worry about,
i just have to believe her now and realise she is doing this to settle my mind for me