View Full Version : FW: PMT or Menopause

Sue K with 5
22-06-05, 02:06
This is a nightmare, I am now 8 days late, I know I am not pregnant because that would be the immaculate conception, I get night sweats very badly, every morning I wake and I am drenched, this started during my last pregnancy and has worsened int he last year, Willow is now three, my period are so irregular now and yet I used to be able to time my cycle by the clock.

I am 37 and having had five children my body is starting to shows a few signs, I also have developed incontinence which is so embarrasing, I only have to laugh and I pee myself.

I have read that some of these symptoms could be menopausal and I am wondering if anyone else has similar symptoms or who has already gone through the menopause at an early age

I am not quite ready to give up my ability to make babies, I dont want anymore but I like the idea that I still could.

I am having CBT at the moment and I am scared that it will not work if my body is out of zinc, my anxiety levels this week have gone through the roof and this morning I was in floods I am not having much fun

Any advise would be great

Sue with 5 children


22-06-05, 10:17
Hi Sue

I am not going through the menopause just yet, but when my anxiety was very acute my periods were very irregular, I had hot flushes but no night sweats.
Your GP can take a blood sample and tell you whether you are menopausal or peri menopausal.
As for the incontinence, I'm not surprised after 5 children - lol.
Have you tried pelvic floor exercises, a good way to do this is every time you go to the kitchen sink, do the exercise 10 times and you should see an improvement, it worked fro me.

Hope this helps.

Take care

Elaine x

22-06-05, 11:15
No I'm not going through the menopause just yet either but when I am stressed my periods become irregular too.

You could always go c Dr just to put your mind at rest but i'm sure its nothing to worry about.

All the best

Feel free pm me if you want to chat

steno -x-

Sue K with 5
22-06-05, 11:55

he thing is I have had anxiety and agorophobia for 20 years and I have been more stressed than I am at the moment and it has never effected my periods

But I have rung the Gp today and she is going to call me back for a chat later this afternoon

Thanks for your advise, I do appreciate it, I am just so on edge all the time at the moment and I just want my body back to normal

will post later once i have spoken to the doctor


22-06-05, 13:56
Hi Sue
Sorry you are having problems right now, the symptoms you describe can be associated with menopause, although they can also be anxiety symptoms, i am going through the menopause right now (am 50 years old) which, i believe, is the 'average' age? you are rather young, but if mum, or aunties had early menopause, it can run in families, speak with your doctor, there is a simple test they can do to establish if you are menopausal. As for incontinence, what i did was loads of pelvic floor exercises (is that right?) anyway it's what they teach you to do after having babies, and it did help, again your doctor will advise. good luck and keep in touch.

polly a
20-02-06, 18:49
hi there sue,im going thro exactly the same as you with periods bladder weakness ect,i look 6 month pregnant im that bloated,i have had blood test waitin for the results,and im off for a scan to rule out ovarian cyst as ive had them before,im 44 used to regular periods i know exactly what you mean when you say you want your body back.all the best pollyxx

p appleyard

21-02-06, 10:54
I am forever squeezing my nether regions in tight to help with the old laughing, coughing, seezing scenarios that can go horribly wrong.[:I]

Everytime you are watching telly imagine you are trying to hold in wind around your bottom and count for 10 and you will be sorted in no time.:D

I do have a friend who went through the menopause at 37 and I rather hoped that was what was causing my anxiety some years ago, but no, just straightforward losing the plot had to do for me.

Sounds more like its just your regular hormones dancing around like they do but you could always ask at the doctors to be certain sure.

Love Piglet xxxx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.