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03-12-08, 19:27
hi my names helen,
i was on citalopram for 6mths, have been off them for 2 weeks, my mood is good but i keep feeling light headed all the time,i cant quite explain how it feels so its no good going to the docs this has been happening for about 4 days, just wondered if anyone else has experienced this at all when coming off the tabs

03-12-08, 19:56
Hi Helen

You with probably find that it's depersonalisation due to you coming off your meds. It's just a minor side effect and it should soon go. It's your body readjusting hun and certainly nothing to worry about.

P.s Welcome to NMP :flowers:


03-12-08, 20:05
does it also affect your eyes, when i move them my head feel funny if you know what i mean

04-12-08, 01:30
Most of these meds can be a bit fierce and unfriendly as you come off them on top of the fact that you now have to manage without their help. A lot depends on how fast you have stopped and what your dosage was. Unless you were having a very bad reaction its usually seen as better to progressively reduce the drug over time. I haven't read up on citalopram in detail though... with escitalopram they appear to most often reduce by 5mg per week at the fastest and some people take a lot longer.

04-12-08, 12:41
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx

04-12-08, 19:06
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

Pooh x

05-12-08, 19:29
hi everyone and thanks for your advice

i contacted the doc and he said i have positional vertigo, i have to give it a few days and see how it goes, if its no better then i have to go and have blood pressure etc checked

07-12-08, 17:51
Hi helen

:welcome: to NMP, I am sure you will like it here and find a lot of support and information. Chat is fun too.