View Full Version : chickenpox?

miss diagnosis
03-12-08, 21:14
ughhhhh freaked. i have what look like and what everyone else reckons are chicken pox.ie red itchy blistery spots on my stomach and arms. however i have now convinced my self of the following:

some form of herpes which means i have the cervical cancer virus and prob cervical cancer.

skin cancer. even googled pictures.

shingles.which is going to kill me of course.

ive been so good and havent posted or googled in ages. im demented with worry

04-12-08, 11:28
Sorry you are spotty! Have you made an appointment to see the doctor, he would know if it was chicken pox or not?

miss diagnosis
04-12-08, 12:18
no i cant go to the doc in case it IS chickenpox.
old people,kids highly contagious etc!

04-12-08, 12:26
If you phoned doctors reception and told them that you think you may have chicken pox, I am sure they would make suitable arrangements so you didn't infect anyone, maybe get you straight in to see a doctor or put you in a small side room till it was your turn. It's worth a try. Good luck:)