View Full Version : Weird bumps/rash on lower back... pic attached. Please look

03-12-08, 22:38
Hey guys last Sunday I noticed a rash on the lower part of my back. It wasn't really to red and didn't hurt, just itched. Today and yesterday the rash has gotten more red and has started to hurt. I haven't scratched it since Monday, and when I did it wasn't very hard. I have no clue what this could be, if any of you are familiar with this sort of thing I'd appreciate it a lot! Thanks... pic is attached

03-12-08, 22:46
I have no idea! I don't think it's anything to be too worried about, see your doctor, maybe you just got bitten by some insect,

Cathy V
03-12-08, 23:03
If its in a place where your jeans can rub then it could be this, that some item of clothing is irritating the hair follicles, this can cause a rash. otherwise maybe its a kind of eczema, for which E45 cream is very good, if you get it in the US that is. It doesnt look like its anything sinister so i wouldnt worry too much.

Cathy :)

03-12-08, 23:42
It could be a number of things, but as Cathy V says, eczema is a good candidate. I get this from time to time and it is worse in places where clothes or shoes rub the skin. It can be really itchy and annoying but is otherwise harmless. If it doesn't clear up in a day or two then go and see your doctor, but if it's just a small, localised rash and you don't have any other symptoms then I really don't think it's anything to be worried about.

04-12-08, 00:05
Try Eucerin cream - my hubby gets rashes like that and it clears it up.

Take care.

04-12-08, 00:07
Do you have pets? cats or dogs? cos i had similar spots like in a cluster next to eachother that wre very itchy and they were on my bk and feet and legs were my socks wud go and i went to doctor and asked about them my doc said flea bites!!!!lol sorry dnt meaan to b rude but they luk similar to what i had and if u have pets it could well be...lol well saying that i dont even have pets and i got thembut my family have pets see and thats how i got them becos they liked me proberly and craweld into my socks and bobs ur uncle!!! im not sayinng that this is it but a big posibilty esp that u said they were itcy.c ur doc if ur still unsure .nothing to worry about jus use some e45 cream or calomine lotion and try not to itch them as i used to itch mine and the tops came off and they actually bleed a little. hope this helps best wishes C.xxx

04-12-08, 08:57
I had shingles many years ago and it looks very much like mine did. But go to the doc he can tell you.

17-12-08, 11:47
Although I obviously can't say for sure what the rash could be, I must say it looks like a similiar reaction I have had to nickel...ie belt buckles, jean studs, watch straps..I think that the technical name for this is contact dermatitis?
Hope it gets sorted soon.

17-12-08, 12:01
i Had a rash exactly the same as that on my leg at the bottom, i just kept putting e45 on it, i just treated it as inflamed dry skin. It took a while to go, but it has gone now. I dont think its anything serious at all .

17-12-08, 13:15
Do you sweat a lot? just wondered if it could be a heat rash!

17-12-08, 14:52

It looks like eczema to me. I get it alot usually caused by nickel in buckles or cheap jewellery, I've got expensive tastes lol!!! I don't think you should worry yourself. I also am allergic to sticky plasters/band aids. Anti hystermine tablets that you get over the counter for hay fever and wasp stings will help if it's an allergy. As someone said E45 or hydrocortisone cream will help soothe the itching. Why don't you ask at your pharmacy, I'm sure they will recommend something.

17-12-08, 15:03
Have someone look at it. One poster mentioned shingles. If it's a cluster of blisters, it could be that. You would need an injection of acyclovir as soon as possible in order to avoid a condition that shingles can leave you with called post-herpetic neuralgia which is quite painful. I don't want to scare you but shingles is something that has to be attended to immediately. Please let me know what doc says, ok?