View Full Version : Anxiety maybe???

03-12-08, 23:04
Hey I'm kirstin and I'm 19.
Recently about 6 weeks ago I had a headache that got quite bad one night so i took some painkillers and it went. However the next day i still had it and It's been hanging around ever since. It's not unbearable just nagging...i dont really feel the need ot take painkillers normally for it. I've used 4head a couple times and its been releaved for a little while.
The pain is one the left hand side of my head at the top and back and it worries me as it's in the same place. I've also had a burning/tingling feeling that feels kinda like something is pulling or streaching my scalp. I have been experiencing occasional pains around the ear, jaw and eye on that side along with ocasional pains in my neck and back. And I'm worrying it's something serious. brain tumour is my fear as I've never experienced something lasting so long.

I've been to the doctors twice first time I was told I had tension headache becasue of the way i described it. The second time I was told it doesn't sound like anyhting serious but was sent for a routine blood test anyway which came back normal so thats good :)
I've also been to the opticians who said my eyes were perfectly healthy and all i needed was a stronger perscription which i've now had for 3 weeks.

Along with the headache I've experienced Floaters, dizzyness and slightly shaky vision. I've explained this also to both the optician and the doctor who told me it was most likley stress related. My blood pressure is fine also.
Just wondering if the optician and doc would have noticed summint wrong by looking in my eyes?

I have to admit I eat quite a bit of chocolate, Spend alot of time at the computer and I probably dont drink as much water as I should but this has never botherd me before. I also have a huge fear of being sick. and I worry about everything. Work has been pretty stressful and I've had a few things to worry about recenlty but again I've never really experienced this before.
My parents think I'm just keeping myself in a vicious circle of panic.

I would be so greatful for some replies if anyone has had some similar symtoms or has a good idea as to if this may be panic or anxiety related.

p.s. Sorry for such a long post but thankyou for reading. I just need a little reasurrance.


04-12-08, 14:02
Stress and anxiety do some crazy things to us sometimes. If you have had blood tests and the doctor is telling you it is tension, it usually is. Tension headaches hurt. They can cause all kind of pain in your face, since most people grind their teeth hen they have them. Try and keep yourself relaxed by deep breathing and keep your shoulders down and rotate them every once in a while to relieve the pressure in them. Do try and drink more water. Take care and pm me if I can help.

04-12-08, 19:44
hi ive had a burning sensation in my head on the left hand side i was so scared i phoned the nhs direct line and spoke to a doctor as i was convinced i was havin a brain hemoridge (sp) .....turns out the doctor said it was a anx attack and is very common with anx suffers great huh?..
i also get floaters in my eyes n shaky vision which my gp said was stressed related and over tiredness which must be true as its not so bad when ive had a good nites sleep not easy with three kids lol

hope this helps take care pm me if u want anymore advice
xxxxx caz xxxx