View Full Version : Pain between my shoulder blades...please reassure me

04-12-08, 09:37
Hi Everyone
I have had this strange pain/ache between my shoulder blades since Tuesday morning. It's hard to explain and seems to hurt more when I laugh!! It goes all across my back. It also hurts a bit when I bend my head. I was doing some sit ups Monday night and I'm wondering whether I have pulled a muscle. I have an ongoing fear of throat and lung cancer so, as you can imagine, I am thinking this pain must be a sympton of a tumour!! Has anyone else had this strange pain? It definately hurts when I laugh. It I had pulled a muscle I'm sure it would hurt all the time and would have probably got better by now.
I would really appreciate any replies http://anxietyzone.com/Smileys/default/traurig001.gif

04-12-08, 10:12
I get this i think its muscular...do a test, does it hurt when u use your upper arms or bend? If so this will tell u its muscular x