View Full Version : And oldie ... but New here.

04-12-08, 11:13
Hi people,

Just posting here is a step in the right direction for me (and many of us I suspect).

It's been a long time coming but I think after flipping out over something daft I finally realised that I really needed help. I made an emergency appointment with the GP on Tuesday and she has prescribed citalopram 20mg (I'll post more about how I feel about this in the side effects of citalopram section soon).

The GP told me she wasn't surprised that I was there feelign the way I did. after the past couple of years. But it goes back way further.

This is about to get long ... grab a chair ... a coffee and read if you want.

In 1990 my father was killed by three chap of other ethnic backgrounds. I laboured for years with this and still can't get over it completely. The then girlfriend (now wife) was good and noticed a change in me and she described it once as "having a bit you die when your Dad did".

In around 1995 I was having a tough time at my job and I ended up having a nervous breakdown. The local counceloung service set me up with someone wit hthe same ethnic background as the people that had been responsible for Dad's death and I just couldn't talk to them and ended up just not turing up for appointments.

Fast forward to 2006 and now the father of 2 kids (hey stress gets better).

Whilst in the USA on a holiday I was rushed to hospital with Kidney stones, when in the ER I had a CT scan they noticed "nodes on my adrenal gland". QUOTE: Could be cancer or nother but get it checked when you get home" 5500 miles from home and I was thinking OMG. It took trips in and out of hospital with that, bright liver, and enlarges spleen and was finally given the all clear in Jan 2007.

Next up was the headteacher at the school making threats about getting our kids taken away from us (details I can't go into anymore because I get so angry). That took about a year to sort out eventually in July 2008.

Add to this someone cloning our credit card and wht wife's bank account being emptied. It became too much.

Now I feel like I have been losing it over something as silly as a Kids football team. Finally I had to see someone and now on her advice I am on the old meds. Something that srares me as much as the other things. I just feel that I don't want to be dependant on chemicals to get me back to being who I was.

Well I'm going to pop off to the citalopram side effects and add my feelings.

For thos that have read this ... thanks .... a problem shared is a problem halved ... maybe not .. but it's knocked a % off.


p.s. Barney Gumball is a Simpsons person ... not my name ... We all like our anominity. (spelt wrong probably)

04-12-08, 11:48
Hi Barney

Welcome along to NMP!!

Blimey hun that's some story and i am so sorry that things have been that bad for you. You will recieve lots of support and advice here.

P.s Loving your sence of humour



04-12-08, 12:00
Yep a sense of humour is a must in life ... it's got me through ....

e.g. At Dad's Funeral ... a old friend offered to play the organ ... great .. "I have a love hymn called coming home" he offered .. on the day it was the music to the Hovis Advert ... to which my Mum said (with coffin in front of us) "he were a great baker our dad"

We laughed .. luckily people thought it was crying .... :)

Yes a rather warped or twisted sense of humour can be the best defence against going under at times ....

04-12-08, 12:11
Reminds me of something my mum said to my Auntie (dads sister) in the funeral car going to his funeral, she said 'It's the first time we've been out together for years'..:roflmao: Her and my auntie were having a right chuckle about it.

Welcome to NMP Barney.:D

04-12-08, 12:40
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx

04-12-08, 19:09
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

POoh x

04-12-08, 23:18


04-12-08, 23:35
Hi Barney,:)

:welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information help & here.

Best wishes xx

05-12-08, 11:34
Welcome to the site and hope you find what you need here! A sense of humour is a great thing to have:)