View Full Version : Tiredness just getting worse

04-12-08, 11:47
Can anxiety and depression make you exhausted all the time? I am CONSTANTLY shattered, no matter how much sleep or exercise or good food I get. I acknowledge that I'm anxious at the moment and probably mildly depressed because of HA, but surely this is worse than the tiredness that would cause?

I do have a thyroid problem, but have upped my dose of thyroxine twice in the last couple of months...but I feel worse than ever. My anxious brain is worried that it's something else, something worse, like MS, cancer, even lupus. I'm finding it hard to get up in the mornings, I'm rubbish at work and my social life is on hold because I get so tired.

On top of the tiredness is muscle weakness, stiffness and twitching, and an ever-present dizzy feeling. It's like my brain and eyes are out of synch.

Has anyone else felt like this? How did you get over it?

I just want to feel awake and alive again....just don't know how :weep:

Thank you for reading...

A. x

miss diagnosis
04-12-08, 12:49
im like this too and so are a lot of people i know.

I honestly think its due to lack of sunlight.central heating being on all the time doesnt help either. If ur really worried ask ur doc for a blood test to see if ur low on iron or b12. or even take a b vit suppliment to boost you.

04-12-08, 13:13
Hi There

Do you take a lot of meds? i'm constantly tired from the minuet i get up until i go to bed again.
I put mine down to all the tablets i take.
I hate the feeling and want to feel awake, but i need those meds so what can i do.

depression will certainly make you feel like this, but i feel for you and hope you feel better soon.

04-12-08, 14:13
I found out that being tired all the time is normal because our bodies are so adenalin rushed all the time and a body can only take so much before it crashes. Have you ever had the feeling that you were always aware, brain is always going? Our bodies get tired easily because of all the adrenlin that rushes through them on a constant basis. Once your fight or flight calmdown your body will have more energy. It takes alot of energy to panic and have anxiety. Try a warm bath or something that calms you down. Also remember that just because you sleep alot, it might not be a peaceful sleep that your are getting. Take care.

04-12-08, 15:09
I am currently reading Claire weeks who talks about this mental fatigue which is common with someone who is anxious and depressed all the time, someone who worries a lot.
The only way to get rid of this apparently is to face up to your problems...easier said than done eh xx

05-12-08, 20:14

I have suffered with over whelming tiredness on and off since I was a child. My mum was even called to my secondary school when I was about 12-13 as I kept falling asleep in class and the teachers were worried. I had numerous tests at the hospital and nothing was found, funnily, I was never tired on a Friday night when it was time to go round my friends!! Its gone on since then really, the worst episode was after the birth of my eldest child, I developed PND, and the tiredness was overwhelming, I would drag myself out of bed, have breakfast then be lying on the settee as I had no energy, I was so scared that something was seriously wrong with me, I wouldnt even go to the doctors. It did improve a little when I went back to work 6 months later, but still not right. Looking back, I think I was probably very anemic, as I would become very breathless even after the slightest exertion, even having a shower would take it out of me. You could try an iron supplement, Floradix is very good, if you are iron deficient, it will make you feel better, just check with your gp or pharmacist that it wont hurt you if you are not as Im not sure, wouldnt think it would though. I got better when I eventually gave in and went to the docs when my little one was 18 months old and he put me on citalopram, once those kicked in my life was transformed, I joined a gym, started socialising again and felt great, that great that I went in for a second bubba! I think depression and anxiety is very debilitating, even basic boredom can make you weary, for me, tiredness is one of the main symptons, is like my body cant take it and tries to shut down, I think someone else posted about this. Too much adrenalin is a toxin in your body if its not being used. I am suffering a little now and have my up and down days, I do struggle to get up in the mornings, regardless of what time I go to bed, and am always late for work or to get my eldest to school. I am on the lookout for a miracle cure for all my ailments, not found one yet, but Ive been recommended Aloe Vera gel as its supposed to cleanse your insides and give you energy, amongst other benefits, I have a bottle in the kitchen, just need to get round to taking it!!!! I hope you do find something to help you, please keep us updated.

08-12-08, 17:06
Wow, thank you so much for all your replies :blush:

I've been reading Claire Weekes' book too, and I think it is helping to put things in perspective. I have had a restful weekend, and have been trying to think more positively and do believe I feel a bit less crappy today. Still very tired, yes, and my eyes are very heavy, but calmer and less full of adrenaline. When I'm really anxious my body pumps out adrenaline all the time so if it's a toxin then I'm going to need some serious recovery time!!

Also I am tweaking my dose of thyroxine at the moment (I'm hypothyroid) so will see if finding the optimum dose makes me feel any better.

All your comments have been so reassuring - it's so good to know I'm not alone :hugs:

Take care everyone,

Anna. x

09-12-08, 20:36
From your first posting, all your symptoms sound like depression and/or anxiety to me. I have heard of people who didn't even know they were depressed but were so incredibly tired they were secretly sleeping the whole time their children were at school during the day--stories like that. Then they found out it was depression and started treating that and they felt much better. In these winter months I take a vit. D pill which really helps the lack of light--I feel much better mentally and then physically as well. But whenever I am tired I always start to wonder if it's that I'm drepressed too? It's good to try to stop your brain working early in the evening, but trying to get ready for bed earlier, take a bath, read in bed, etc. Perhaps this will help?