View Full Version : easy to live with?

04-12-08, 13:50
i ma suffering from anxiety and depression and i have found myself being incrdibly careless of my possessions in the fact that i just cant bring myself to tidy up, waking up laone is a struggle let alone tidying a house, my memory has suffered alot recently and dotn always remember to do something im asked, i live with my boyfriend and was wondering if anyone has any advice they could offer me to make it easier on him.

I have been the worst girlfriend ever due to my lack of motivation and carelesness! i just dont care anymore. but i do care about him and want to get through this.

If we go out for dinner occasionally i am terrified that he is lookin at pther women an deven some films bring me to tears as it jus reminds me i am not as perfect as the women who star in them, this is also hard on him.

i would really appreciate it if i could have some advice, maybe from someone who has been in a relationship where depression has been the third party, as i dont know anyone in this position.



Diane O'Brien
04-12-08, 14:17
Hi Sam

I know exactly wat u r going through. I to suffer from anxiety and depression. Ive been there, no motivation, housework a no no. Firstly try not to worry to much about housework, the preson to get right is you. Ive cried over lost school shoes, lost keys. When ur depressed everything builds up, u need help with the depresion first, have u been to the doctors. You are more important, the housework comes second.

Secondly your boyfriends with you, he cares about you, and you need to care about yourself to, then you will have more confidence and motivation.

Take Care, Look after yourself and spoil yourself.

Diane xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

04-12-08, 14:42
I know that felling too. But it is the depression that makes you think like that. I'm struggling at the moment and think my boyfriend would be better off without me, and make myself do the household stuff so i am actually doing something for him!! But sometimes I just can't be bothered and then i feel even worse.

You've just got to believe that if he loves you he'll be there for you no matter what. That's what mine says and I have to believe in that.

04-12-08, 14:48
i just feel so guilty putting im through this, i jus want this big thing to go away but everything is jus such an effort, i feel like an awful girlfriend i wonder why he is even with me!

04-12-08, 14:55
Seriously sam, it's the depression. We all want it to go away so much, but don't understand why it won't.

I feel the guilt too, right now. I could have said your words exactly as you wrote them. As I sit here i think maybe i could tell my boyfriend not to bother coming home from work so I don't have to put him through it too. But I know I love him and I don't want to be without him - maybe I'm being selfish and thats another reason to feel bad/guilty....

It goes on and on, whatever we do feels wrong because of the depression!

The reason he is with you is because he loves you.