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View Full Version : Test results - freaking out! Ladies?

04-12-08, 14:19
Hi Guys, panicking again grrr. I went to the hospital on monday night and they took a swab from down there to see if theres any infection. I just phoned for the results as they said they would be back on Thursday morning as they need to find out ASAP if theres an infection being pregnant and all. Just phoned up and there not back yet. I have a massive fear of waiting on test results and my head is going in to overtime wondering if theres a problem and thats why there not back. They also didnt tell me what infection they were looking for and im scared there going to say theres something serious wrong. Ladies is there any thing really horrible they can find down there? if i remember rightly i had a swab taken about 5 months ago as iwas bleeding and they tested for clamedia ( spelling) which came back negative. My stupid head is playing me up today

04-12-08, 14:26
Hi Tash,

I had loads of swabs taken when I was pregnant, for infections. You will be fine, even if there is an infection, it is treatable.

I did have an infection, which meant I had to have antibiotics during labour. I wont go into this, but all was fine and no reason, why it shouldnt be. At least if they do find an infection, its best to find out and deal with, than leave it.

Try not to worry. How many weeks pregnant are you?

miss diagnosis
04-12-08, 14:56
ive had this done both pregnant and not pregnant and both times were fine.
try not to worry i know its hard but even if u do have a small infection its nothing to worry about at all. im sure they are just being cautious on acccount of you being pregnant... which by the way makes anxiety ten times worse!!!

04-12-08, 15:01
Sometimes swab results take longer to come back as they are looking for culture growth. Dont worry Emma is right, infections are treatable. xxx

04-12-08, 20:24
Thanks guys for all your responses i am just letting my stupid head run away with me. Emmajane i am 34 weeks now with a little boy :) cant wait. It will be so nice not to spend 100% of my time worrying about him, although i doubt that will stop when he is born :)