View Full Version : Sickness And Headache

04-12-08, 17:00
Hi guys & gals

I woke up at 2am wednesday morning with a severe headache and i was sick a few hours afterwards.

I spent the whole of yesterday in bed trying to recover, i didnt eat a thing, i felt weak and everytime i moved i felt dizzy and sick.

Fortunately today when i woke up i was feeling quite a bit better, i managed to eat a little breakfast, BUT, i have been doin so well these last few weeks and now i feel like im back to square one.

Im finding it hard to tell whether im still feelin ill today or whether im just havin my anxiety symptoms again. i know that being ill or sick can make ur anxiety worse, its just such a pain, cuz i was doin so well.

ive got a big weekend ahead of me this weekend, im off to relatives for 2 nights on the xmas present run, im dreading it now because i was ill yesterday, how can i take my mind of this ill feeling.

is it anxiety or am i still run down. i need to be ok for tomorrow morning fingers crossed.


04-12-08, 17:07
Hi Billy,

This sounds to me very much like migraine. I was diagnosed last year.

It realy frightened me, and of course this makes it worse. I got some pills from my gp for the sickness and just take over the counter pain killers.

You say you have a busy weekend coming up, you`re probably a bit wound up and this, I was told, can bring on an attack. You may never have one again I have had only two in eighteen months.

All the best,

04-12-08, 17:13

I agree with Dotty, it does sound like migraine. I suffer with them too, I have never been sick but I feel very sick and standing upright makes it worse. I can recommend syndol tablets which you can buy over the counter at the chemists. They are really good and are the only thing that helps me. They are also for tension headaches which I get as well due to anxiety and panic attacks. They do make you feel drowsy so if I am at work I only take one, at home though I take two and sleep off the headache. It's kind of nice because they make you sleepy and therefore relaxed.

However it could just be a bug as there are lots going around at the moment.

Take care

04-12-08, 19:16
thanks for the replies, ive managed to eat my dinner tonight and ive just been out for some fresh air, feelin a little better still.

i thought it might be a migrane but i wasnt sure if that would have made me sick, i was sick at 4am weds and about 10pm last night so i dunno.

anyway, im not feelin as sick today, and im beginnin to think maybe im just being nervous (as usual)

hopefully tomorrows journey goes ok and i can relax a bit.