View Full Version : avoidence

04-12-08, 19:33
i suffer with o.c.d. and find myself fearing things and places that i get into my head are unlucky and may cause dreadful thing to happen. i find myself going to extraordinary lengths to avoid these things even though my logic tells me this is ridiculous .
does anyone else have this problem.
or am i a wierdo

04-12-08, 22:05
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx

04-12-08, 22:28
Everyone to a certain extent has OCD habits. It's just that in some cases it can be out of balance and is certainly not a sign of someone being a weirdo. I think with this it is a case of one small step at a time.

04-12-08, 22:36
Hi Wayne
I get this a lot and it can be anthing from what im eating, to what im wearing, who im friends with etc - and like you, i know its not rational but there is always the "What if" factor

05-12-08, 11:35
Welcome to the site and hope you find what you need here, you're not alone trust me and you're not weird:hugs: :hugs: xx