View Full Version : help please :(

05-12-08, 05:11
I know this mightny make any sense. But I have been suffering from panic attacks. I know it is them because I have looked it up.
I dont really know why I am having them. But Im soo fed up with them now.
It all started the other day I was lying in bed and I thought about how I used to feel like I did now when I felt strange. Suddenly, I felt really low and rushed to my mothers room heart pounding and shaking. The pain wouldn't go away. I settled after a long time. But my heart still felt sore.
After that I felt myself really conscious of myself and anything that was associated with me I would panic.
Like I would move, talk, walk..and I would be really self-conscious and panic.
I cant go into my room anymore because im scared of it. It doesnt feel apart of me anymore. I look at my posters and all my stuff and im scared. I have no idea why I feel this way. I also think about things from the past and I get pains in my heart too. Even when people look at me I suddenly am 'aware' of myself and I get pains. It all gets too much to me and I will shake and my heart will go really unbearbley painful and I feel as if Im going to die. It's horrible. After my attack I always rush for air and just shake. It kinda fades away but the pain is still there. During the day the pain kind of fades and I feel myself again and I can go into my room and feel myself again. I feel myself at the moment and I can laugh without feeling the pain as bad. I have it now but theres no pain. It doesnt make sense to me at all.
I have no idea why Im soo scared. I dont even know what im scared of. It really is making me ill and stressed. I went to the supermarket today with my mum and I felt in another world. I felt in a daze.
Also some other feelings I have is like im not in my body. I read that is common with panic attacks. But I get them constantly.
Id like some support from others:weep: :weep: :weep: :weep:

05-12-08, 05:44
Hello Bexstar,

My you have had quite a busy day have'nt you? Well where shall we begin? Ah I know!

Greetings and salutations! My name is Zotamis, or you can call me Dave. What ever floats your boat. I can relate to your "situation". I have had Panic Attacks for 8 years now, and unfortunately I am familiar with a lot of the symptoms you are describing. With that said, I would highly suggest talking to a doctor about what you are feeling, they have meds for people like us :)

Now, I am going to tell you how i get rid of my panic attacks. Its very relaxing. Do you have any hobbies? I do, I paint. When ever im stressed i grab a brush or a pencil and start doodling. And I totally relax and my panic goes away.

Well I hope that helps, and NO you are not alone!

Take care

05-12-08, 06:57
The good news is that these are common symptoms and as Zotamis said, you're not alone. The feeling of not being you or that you're disconnected from reality is one of the worst feelings. Understand though that you're not going crazy and you are still very much you. What is happening is that your body is going into panic mode and in panic mode simple things like your favorite band or TV show are no longer important. It's a survial instinct that's kicking in when it shouldn't be. Think about how you're feeling and then think about how useful those feelings would be to early humans when they stumble upon a lion.

Their heart starts pounding, their attention becomes focused on one single thing, the threat at hand and getting away from it. Their senses are hightened and things that aren't a threat are ignored. I'm sure early man didn't see a lion and then ponder why the sky was blue. After this, the early humans would avoid that path next time so that they don't run into a lion again.

Your panic mode is kicking in, you don't have any immediate threat so you're scanning around for anything that may be which is why you don't feel like you. You now associate your room with panic. This is your lion. But when you calm down, you recognize that there is no threat at hand. There is no lion.

As for why we suffer from panic, it's not really clear. A lot of times it's built up stress. But as Zotamis said, you should talk to your doctor about this. You should talk to your family about it as well and explain what's going on and how you feel. Don't be ashamed. The feelings you're feeling are the reason we're even here to talk about this. If animals didn't have this instinct, they'd walk right up to predators and be eaten. You just have to find the right method of turning this off. It's hard... and I don't think any of us have mastered it but all we can do is keep trying. Relax and know you're not alone.

05-12-08, 14:49
thanks soo much. Its very helpful knowing im not alone. Its such a horrible feeling. I dont know what im scared of! I wish I could stop these attacks I have. I cant even sleep and its 3.39am in the morning and my mother was angry she found me on the computer. I only went on here to come to this site for help. Its really getting too much for me. I want to face it, but like you said I just cant. I go to councelling (its like a mental health place for children 5-18 to talk to people)for depression so I hope they can help me. Only thing this though they only see me once a month. And they saw me not long ago. I want this treated now! I dont want another month to go by when I feel like im not going to live anymore. It's soo sad so many people suffer from it. I do believe it starts earlier in life problems and they lead to this. My mother has depression and my grandmother has dementia and its driving my mum insane because my grandmother is really mean to her and does strange things. Then my mum comes home to me and im down and not well either. I feel soo bad she has to look after both of us. Its draining her out! I feel soo awful. But I dont know how to control it. I do talk to her about what im going through and she does listen to me. She says she doesnt know how to help me and 'what am I scared of?'
She said she had some attacks like I did too. Something happened to us not long ago and she said that really stressed her out. It did to me too. So I guess that would have triggered this too.
I also used to be bullied when I was young to and I left high-school in May because I couldnt stand the way people treat me. I have an occupational therapist that visits me once a week to catch up with me. I dont know if I can talk to her about this because I dont think thats her job. I cant go to the doctor because they always say to go to the mental health place I already go to. So im going in circles!
I know councelling is an option, but the cost is not.
My mother is on the benefit and we dont get much money. Its sad but we get by. It does bother me though because we never have much food.
I know this really has nothing to do with my problem really, im just saying that if you have had a hard past it does affect how you feel now.
I wish I knew what im scared of! and that I could sleep :(

05-12-08, 20:08
I wish I knew what im scared of! and that I could sleep :(

It's probably not a fear of anything that's causing this. It's a build up of anxiety and stress over time. Think of your emotions/anxiety level as a glass of water. It starts half full and as things happen that are stressful, picture water being poured into the glass. Most of the time it fills up three fourths of the way, things settle down, and the water evaporates and you get back to the nice happy medium.

What happens however when there is prolonged stress, your internal glass never gets to go back down. It fills, and fills and while you adjust and get used to it and you may say "I feel fine, I'm not stressed" your glass is getting fuller and fuller. At some point, it reaches the brim. The glass is completely full and it starts to overflow when even a drop of water is added. The littlest thing can cause an overflow. Even a drop of water in a full glass causes an overflow.

This is the point you're at. It's not that there's one thing, the last drop isn't what is causing your feelings, it's all of the feelings compounded. Right now, your fear of panic is causing more panic. Your fear of anxiety is causing more anxiety so the glass is just overflowing without rest.

So what can you do? Well, first, know you're not alone and that help is on the way in the form of time passing. Embrace that what you're feeling is anxiety and you're not going mad. Accept that and you can start to calm down. Know that no matter how bad the feelings seem, you're not going to die. You're not going to go crazy. It may feel like it, but it's a trick. Your body is feeling something it doesn't like and that is the natural reaction. Stay calm and tell yourself, "This is just anxiety".

When you really feel like the world around you just isn't right and you don't know who you are try to ground yourself by holding onto something solid like a railing or counter top or even your desk. Then close your eyes and in your mind, draw a line around your body. Start with the top of your head and imagine someone taking a neon light and drawing around you in light, following every curve of your outline around. Go down your sides and to your legs, go to the ground and then come back up the other leg. Tell yourself, this is YOU. The world around you isn't important right now, you are the center of the world.

Lastly, don't give up on getting the help you need. You may feel like you've been round and round and no one will listen. Keep at it and stay calm and explain your situation and ask who can help. If you feel you're getting passed off just ask the doctor nicely what you have to do or who you need to see and explain you feel that you dont' know what to do

05-12-08, 20:46
thank you I will try that. That makes sense to me. Good to know its not a fear. Because I couldnt understand what it was a fear about.
I still had no sleep last night and I had another attack this morning while trying to block out the thoughts. I try to block the thoughts but they wont go. Soon as I feel a bit better and laughing and smiling , suddenly im 'aware' of myself again and I get worried and stressed. Luckily I dont feel bad at the moment and typing this is easy for me as the worry isnt taking hold of me. Once I feel it coming on I start to breathe deeply. It does help a bit but the thoughts keep racing :(
I might be going out for a walk today with my mum to help me and my thoughts and to help clear my mind a bit.

05-12-08, 23:43
Don't try to block out the thoughts. The more you do, the more they are going to come. The only way to 'block out' thoughts is to think about them. To think about them and wonder "why wont' this go away" only fuels them. Accept them, and let them pass. It's hard but it's just like swimming or riding a bike, if you get tense and start fighting, it's just not going to work.

Imagine yourself in the middle of a lake. You need to swim to the shore. Fighting the water however will just wear you out. You have to float. You need to focus on relaxing and staying calm... not on fighting the situation.

Instead of spending your energy trying to block the thoughts, spend your energy thinking about the opposite thoughts. For every bad thought you think, immediately think about a good thought. Come up with a scene in your mind that when you think about it, makes you happy. Some people use a beach, others maybe a forest. Really put yourself in that scene. Close your eyes and really think about all of the details. About a cold drink in your hand and the waves crashing (bonus points if you go download wave sounds to your computer).

The other thing that may help you is Progressive Muscle Relaxation. You can google about this and also get some audio books to guide you. If you go on iTunes you may be able to find one by Beth Salcedo, MD. It talks you through the 15min. exercise which really does help calm you down.

You'll find that as you get calm and learn to accept and float through the bad feelings they come around less and less. You just have to build up your confidence again.

06-12-08, 01:07
:) thanks again. Its such a highlight to come here after a stressful day to read such encouraging words. I will try to accept the thoughts but I wish the pain wouldnt be soo bad. It makes me want to commit suicide :(
Im begging my mum to get help for me its just too much for me :( :(:weep: :weep: :weep: :weep:

im terrified about having another attack. I have them really bad when im trying to sleep. And I get no sleep. Im afraid im going to die from no sleep:weep: :mad: