View Full Version : To go, or not to go?

05-12-08, 10:25
I'm not sure if this is the dreaded anxiety or genuine but bear with me!

I have been signed off work with an ear infection- so the symptoms mirror my anxiety symptoms- dizzy, sickness, stomach problems.

I've been invited to a work night out - just diner and drinks, not clubbing or anything like that. I have been fine going out for diner and drinks for about 2 years now (used to have an issue with eating in front of people) so do feel I can handle going out. Plus no one minds that i havent been at work for a week but might go out for diner and drinks tonight!!!


i have a feeling of dread. like i don't REALLY want to go. even tho the people going are people i feel comfortable around and like talking to. i don't think any of them know about my anxiety so i think i might feel under pressue to hide it from them if i did start feeling panicky.


my girlfriend is going on a seperate work night out and i've always had big issues (which i hate) with this. normally when she goes out i stay at home and worry about her (ridiculous!). i worry she might get hurt (she can be a bit leary at times) or that she might go off with someone else- i always get the feeling she would love it if another woman came onto her as she has quite low self esteem and it would really boost her confidence, and i dont think she has the ability (when drunk) to not be flattered and take it further (been togehter 3 years and this has never happend !) i try and take my mind off it by talking to friends, watching tv etc but i do always check my phone and by 1 in the am im a state, convinced she doesn't want to be with me, has met someone and wont come home. she knows i have these concerns and tries her hardest to convince me she loves me and is just going out to unwind etc but she always said "you make me feel like i've done something wrong, its not fair" so then i freak i'm pushing her away.

so im thinking, if i go out myself it might take my mind off things BUT im not feeling my best cos of my ear infection and it might make me MORE panicky than staying in and worrying about what my OH is up to.

(its a strange situation cos my OH doesnt have "freinds", no old school friends or things like that, she expalined when we first met she lost all her friends by getting too drunk and they didn't want to hang round with her!). i have old frinds from school and uni old, work freinds etc but they don't live in the area, but we talk daily on msn etc. the people she goes out with at work she says she wouldnt call them "friends" they only socailise on work nights out once every few months, whereas people im at work with i would call friends and WOULD happily go out for drinks, coffee shopping etc with, but feel guilty cos i know OH would be at home alone- altho i know if the shoe was on the other foot she wouldn't stay at home!!!) I'm really embarrassed i've admitted all that :blush:

05-12-08, 12:46
The night outs been cancelled now cos too many people are unwell! so the decision has been made for me. Hmmm a night in to wallow on my own then.

05-12-08, 13:00
i wish my xmas work meal was cancelled tonight...wanna swap?

05-12-08, 15:12
hahahah i would actually swap right now, just to talk to a human would be nice!! am having one of those days, OH will go out straight from work so ill have literally spent a whole day and night without actual human exchange!! have a great night Lucy