View Full Version : Please answer me with this one

05-12-08, 11:13
I have recently been going through a lot of health anxiety. If I list how I feel today can you answer if you feel like this as I'm feeling pretty rough. Or maybe it is something else. Virus etc?

1) Right Shoulder/neck sore with pins and needles in right arm
2) Light headed, as if Im going to fall over
3) Sweating
4) Just want to curl up in bed as I have no energy.

Is this anxiety or could it be viral? What can I do to clear it

Thanks all

05-12-08, 11:31
Hi EmmaJane, I am sorry to hear you feeling rough. I can only tell you what I would do in your case. If it was me, I would nip down to the docs this aft & just get them to check you out. I know these are classic anxiety symtoms but might a cold or virus. Have you tried drinking one of the cold & flu hot drinks? when my fella gets these feelings, he knows its a cold & has one of them & is right as rain but if I was you, id get down to the docs, they will be able to advise you better than any of us can!!!

Hope you feel better soon honey. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx