View Full Version : Just had more bloods taken

anx mum
05-12-08, 16:05
My doctor has said my liver function and my esr were slightly high. Does anyone know what esr stand for?

05-12-08, 16:06
Hi anx

It stands for erythromycin sedimentation rate, but I don't know what that means.

Love Rosy

05-12-08, 16:11
Apparently it stands for Erythrocyte sedimentation rate - but I've never heard of it before. :huh:

05-12-08, 16:34
ESR is an inflammatory marker- it shows signs or infection. So when it is raised there will be some degree of infection going on somewhere. xxx

anx mum
05-12-08, 17:03
ah right what about liver function?

05-12-08, 17:24
your LFT can be raised simply by taking to many paracetamol or other drugs or by obviously too much alcohol. It may also be the fact you have an infection somewhere however without seeing the results & your history im afraid i cant explain the result. However your GP will when you see them. however don't worry. ESR raised is common & infections can be treated & LFT's are very often raised in normal healthy people for no apparent reason xxx