View Full Version : Constantly feeling ill?? Catching bugs etc!!

05-12-08, 20:55
hi all, is it just me or do others seem to constantly come down with viruses, bugs, bad stomachs etc? Do you think the negative thinking can bring all this on or is it simply the fact that i have a low immune system due to lack of good sleep (have an 19 month old son!). I would be interested if others constantly feel ill? Feeling ill frequently can then be a trigger for the HA!!! Hope this makes sense! Be good to hear from others. Thanks.
Suzie x

06-12-08, 02:32
Hi Suzie,I do agree with your statement about us guys coming down with bugs if we feel down or sad.I know that everytime I have an important event or need to be somewhere I will come down with a cold or have an upset stomach etc etc.If anxiety affects the mind then I am sure it will affect the body as well,there is a definate link between our feelings and the gut which is where our butterflies start when we feel frightened,anxious or excited.I have just started a new job and have come down with a terrible head cold so have had to go in feeling pretty ropy,I dare not ring in sick at this early stage and I said to my hubby tonight it's just my luck to come down with this when I need to be fighting fit-never mind.Lack of sleep will do it every time as well as the body reserves strength when asleep so hope you get more shut eye soon but with a little one you better put it on your xmas list-lol. xx

06-12-08, 02:37
Its strange because as soon as I felt the way I did I was actually sick. Because I found with this illness I cant eat without wanting to vomit and when I pass wind and go to the toilet it smells really sickly. My mum has noticed it too. I dont know if its linked to my panic attacks and thoughts at all.
But I do believe it does affect the mind!
Because before I got this condition id spend time on the computer to 5.00am in the morning and slightly earlier constantly everyday. And sleep to the afternoon. I was addicted to it I guess talking to people on the computer and browsing sites. I never went outside either! I guess it does play a part to be healthy and get lots of air and sleep well.

06-12-08, 09:47
Hi there,

As my name suggests, I am always ill, I can go for months without being well, its either a bad cold, sore throat, sickness/stomach upsets, yeast infections, all minor ailments really, but they just lead on from one to another or sometimes overlap. I have been to the docs several times in the last 3 months, and just told its nothing serious and it will go. I am suffering quite badly at the moment as my dad died less than 2 months ago, quite unexpectedley, it was a huge shock and I still havent come to terms with it, so I know all my current ailments are mainly down to that, plus I have a whole host of other issues Im trying to deal with, plus 2 young children, Im amazed Im able to function at all some days!! LOL Luckily, it does help to be optimistic, as I think we are as humans, or else none of us would get out of bed in the morning, we just think and hope that things will get better. So dont worry, (ha ha, if only!), your not alone!

06-12-08, 13:30
Hello thank you for your replies, it seems a common factor here is bad stomachs, i think it could very well be part of the panic especially after reading the symptoms page. Its good to hear what other people think its nice to know i am not alone! 'Always ill' I am sorry to hear you are having such a tough time and am very sorry about your dad, I hope you have plenty of people around to help you get through this and support you, I also seem to get unwell with a sucession of things which in turn brings you down in itself without any other outside pressures! 'Mothermac' I hope the new job goes well for you, I have just lost my job due to the econmy problems so my anxiety is now very high with all the pressure of having to find something asap to afford to live, its good you can work when u dont feel well i find that one of the hardest things to do. 'Bexstar' i hope your sickness and bad stomachs settle i experience similar things so it can put a real strain on you! Once angain thanks for replying.
Suzie x