View Full Version : New to forum

05-12-08, 23:24
Hi, have been browsing the forum for a few days now and have just read a post regarding heart thumping after dinner, as this is happening to me at the moment I've found it a great comfort to realise that I'm not having a heart attack! I have recently had 8 weeks off work due to stress but looking back on my life I now realise that I have been prone to anxiety, shyness and stress all along, not knowing has compounded the problem as most of the symptoms have left me self diagnosing one terrible disease after another. I have had what I consider 2 quite bad panic attacks recently but my doctor is unconcerned and hasn't offered any medication, I don't know whether to feel better or worse about this. Anyway, thats me and my problems in a very small nutshell.

05-12-08, 23:26
:welcome: to NMP hun. xxxx

06-12-08, 11:44
Hi Laura,:)

:welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

I also have found that it does help to realise that anxiety itself can cause such strong symptoms.

Best wishes xx :bighug1:

07-12-08, 17:38
Hi Laura

:welcome: to NMP, I am sure you will like it here and find a lot of support and information. Chat is fun too.

07-12-08, 17:42

:welcome: to NMP. You'll get lots of support on here.