View Full Version : Feeling perplexed!

06-12-08, 02:12
Sorry if this is in the wrong section but it's to do with health so here goes.
I have just landed myself a job at Tesco in one of their new express stores and it's 2.00 am at the moment,I did a 2.30 pm until 9.15 pm shift last night and got home around 10pm,the shift was very tiring,eg,standing at the till,pulling stock trolleys all over the place,up and down stairs,lifting,bending etc etc,to add to this I have a terrible head cold which has made me feel foul and look foul so rightly I should be exhausted yeah?,well no I went to bed and felt like I could go out shopping.my mind felt tired but I couldn't switch off,I have just got up and made a hot drink.
You will be wondering "Why the post anyway"? but I am worried as to why I can't sleep as my body must need it especially with a cold as well.I am worried that I am pushing myself too hard and my body will have something horrible soon,irrational I know but I can't help it.Anyone normal would feel shattered and just sleep but hey not me I feel like a freak.
Does anybody know why I would feel like this instead of wanting to sleep?I lay in bed just lying there thinking about why I wasn't dropping off.I am back in on Sunday at 12 noon for another 6 hours and I am worried about that now as well.

06-12-08, 09:59
Sounds like too much adrenalin. Ive had days when I have been on the go all day but not been able to sleep at night, especially when I go on holiday, I can be up at 4 in the morning and still be up til 1am in the morning, drinking sangria! Did you feel tired at work? I can have horendous days when I feel pooped and tired all day, I just wish away the day and count the hours until I can go to bed, then when its time to go to bed, I have a rally and can stay up for hours, I tend to do this daily anyway, if I dont go to bed and sleep when I take the kids up, I will end up getting up and staying up til 12 - 1 am, then I have to be up at 6am, am shattered all day, and so on, then Ill have a few nights of going to sleep at 8pm ish, to catch up. You mind find you struggle through tomorrow, but then sleep like a log tomorrow. Hope it goes well for you anyway.