View Full Version : getting really jarred off!

22-06-05, 21:27
Why is there something wrong everyday? I'm completely fine for a while, then when I let my guard down to relax abit, its back. The whole weird symptom thing REARS IT'S UGLY HEAD.

When l am numb and it is with me for a while, l panic. When that goes, its something else like pins and needles. When that goes its something else like twitching. Am l ever going to feel normal again l ask myself?

This has been going on for almost 3 years now. l have been checked time and time again by the doc but seeing as nothing else prominent has appeared, he tells me not to worry.

But l can't help it! these symptoms are awful! the best help yet was finding this web site, so please anyone wanna moan with me, PLEASE BRING IT ON!!!!!

22-06-05, 22:48
aaawww Denni - I know how you feel. I think we have all been there at some point. If your GP has given you the ok, then you have nothing to worry about. All the symptoms are just anxiety. I have had them all at some point. Not worrying really is the key - try to distract yourself..:D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

22-06-05, 23:42
Accept that though uncomfortable , none of these sensations are going to harm you in any way.. so acknowledge their presence as anxiety and tell them they will not stop you doing anything and JFDI anyway.

That way they'll fade away.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

22-06-05, 23:50
Dear Meg

You're right, maybe l should try to treat them as friends or visitors instead!...
l'm sorry but what does 'JFDI'mean?

Denni x

22-06-05, 23:58
Just F**8ing Do It

It was a mantra I used to get me through some pretty grim times when I knew I had to keep going and work through some dreadful symptoms in order to come out the other side


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

23-06-05, 07:41
I know how you feel and I'm with meg on this one just try and get on with your day and ignore the feelings best you can...

gud luk

All the best

Feel free pm me if you want to chat

steno -x-

23-06-05, 10:32
fingers are twitching away as i am typing this, so am trying...really am trying...


23-06-05, 19:19
Put them to work something gardening, cooking , sewing etc

Typings not great as you're always looking at them unless you're an expert.